Wednesday 9 August 2017

Arrest The Survivor, Sort It Out Later...

Bobby Munroe died after the horror smash close to the junction with Hobleythick Lane, Westcliff, in December last year.
A 35-year-old man, from Shoebury, was arrested on suspicion of causing death by careless driving and driving while unfit through drink or drugs, but he has now been released from bail.
The dad-of-one’s heartbroken sister Vickie, 34, said the decision was hard to deal with but has brought a part of the tragedy to an end.
She said: “Whatever the decision, it was never going to bring Bobby back.
“We are grateful that the driver wasn’t some idiot on drink or drugs who was off his face- that would have been really hard to take.
“The only thing that we can take from it is that it was just a tragic accident. Neither one of them was at fault, it’s something that happens every single day.
“It’s very unfortunate but I’m personally glad Bobby didn’t die because of someone’s stupid actions.”
Wait, surely he did? If not the driver, then his own?
An inquest into Mr Munroe’s death was opened in December and established that he died at the scene from multiple injuries. It will now be concluded later this year.
An Essex Police spokesman said: “A 35-year-old man from Shoebury arrested on suspicion of causing death by careless driving and driving whilst unfit through drink or drugs has been released without further action.”
But surely he failed a breath test/drug wipe? Otherwise why arrest him at all?


  1. It all has to be made 'just so' and everyone's terribly sorry and all that but things happen.

  2. @JuliaM,
    "But surely he failed a breath test/drug wipe? Otherwise why arrest him at all?"

    Blair ordered police to class all RTAs as crimes not accidents - hence motorways closed for umpteen hours whilst plod search for all "evidence". This, together with NewLabour & BluLabour's control freak desire to have everyone (except pikeys) DNA & fingerprints means arrest not question.

    No doubt WPC Jaded will disagree with another wearisome post.

    I propose a real "Great Repeal Bill" Repeal of all laws & SIs made after 1993.

  3. No doubt WPC Jaded will disagree with another wearisome post.

    You is wrong. As a well educated and middle class person I do not write like that.

  4. Really Melvin? .I know you secretly want to be me but posting under my name is a new low.

  5. ^Fere homines libenter id quod volunt credunt.

  6. "Blair ordered police to class all RTAs as crimes not accidents - hence motorways closed for umpteen hours whilst plod search for all "evidence"."

    FFS! That man's pernicious effects will long outlive him.. :/
