Wednesday 9 August 2017

Too Little, Too Late, As Always...

Witnesses described the attack on July 2 outside the May Garland Inn in Horam as “terrifying,” as the landlord’s boxer-cross hurled itself against the window of a van, barking and growling, before haring across the car park and into the road to savage the terrier.
The dog, which has also now been put down, had attacked two other pets in the previous month.
You'd think that might have clued in the owner, but you'd have been wrong.
Pub landlord Asher Burman told The Argus he had not been made aware of his pet’s aggression when he retrieved her from a rescue shelter two months ago.
The two attacks subsequent to that weren't enough?
He said: “I tried to save that dog, and in trying to save the dog someone else’s dog died. It’s tragic and upsetting.”
He said that he had “not considered” having the dog put down after the first and second attacks, but had taken her to specialist training which had begun to moderate her behaviour.
Yeah. We can see how well it worked.
He said the dog had been put down last Tuesday, adding: “I had to, in the interests of everyone in my street.”
In case the others 'in your street' decided to show their displeasure by deciding to drink elsewhere?