Tuesday 8 August 2017


The three suspects sprang from behind a bush in Dagenham and pulled a knife on the teenagers, with one them telling their victims: “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.
The thieves – one of whom had gold teeth – then made off with two bikes, the bag and £40 in cash.
The mum of one of the victims, who has asked to remain anonymous, said the robbery at about 7.50pm on Monday, July 24, had traumatised her son
Hmmm, I wonder what sort of muggers we are talking about here?
The suspects, who are described as black males aged 18 to 19, fled the crime scene, with one heading toward Fourth Avenue and the other two heading for Romford.
Ah. Say no more.
When the boys returned home, their parents were quick to appeal for information on Facebook, which led to one user claiming to have seen the suspects with the stolen bikes in Shafter Road, Dagenham.
The victims’ dads jumped into a car in the hope of reclaiming the stolen items. But when they confronted the thieves they were immediately surrounded by about 20 other males and left with no option but to get in the car and drive home.
Did anyone call the police? Or did they (probably correctly) figure there was little point?
The mum who told the Post about the robbery said she’d been dreading something like this happening since he entered his early teens.
“It’s sad but they’re at that age now where we expect it,” she said.
“I knew something would happen eventually – this is craziness.”
No-one should 'expect' this!
Nobody was injured in the robbery and no arrests have been made. Witnesses can call police on 101, contact them on Twitter at @MetCC or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Why bother? It's not like they are any use and some of them seem to be worse than muggers themselves...


  1. "Why bother? It's not like they (plod) are any use and some of them seem to be worse than muggers themselves..."

    Of little practical use, West Yorks Plod will spring into action with all the faux enthusiasm and zest of an arthritic sloth with progressive brain failure. A call from them yesterday advised me of their receipt of my burglary report dated November 2012; advising me not to clean anything that might prejudice a fingerprint survey.

  2. The Blocked Dwarf8 August 2017 at 11:22

    "some of them seem to be worse than muggers themselves... "

    Yet I'm sure had PC Beach happened to have been walking past, even in 'civis' on his day off, as the mugging took place he would have intervened or at the very least phoned for his colleagues to come etc. As with everyone, sexual preference (no matter how sick) tends to say little about someone's personal bravery nor their ability to do their job otherwise (ie when not concerning policing the local kindergartens or taking traffic control photos from a helo).

    Also the sentence imposed on Beach was rather lenient so I'm assuming his 'making indecent photos of kids' was of the 'paddling pool on the hottest day of the year' type...maybe even perfectly innocent. I really must go through my gmail and check there isn't a 'tub girl' or 'Just say neigh' photo lurking from years back when I moderated a forum.

    Beach will be dismissed in disgrace from the Met as soon as the necessary senior officers can be dragged off the fairway.

  3. Nice one Julia, you've linked a violent robbery with an officer downloading kiddie porn. Well done. At least this time they are roughly in the same locality. Normally you scratch around and link two stories from the opposite sides of the country. It's also done the usual and attracted pointless rubbish from Melvin as he peers out from under his stone.

    Really Melvin, your stories are getting more ridiculous. Do you really think anyone believes what you have posted? A burglary from 2012 still not investigated? Is this the famous lawnmower theft you harp on about?

    If the public don't ring us to report robberies then we are stuck. Crystal balls are one of the few things I don't carry around with me these days.


  4. And just maybe, a couple of kids threatened, robbed and scared witless will decide to carry a knife for protection in case it happens again and our society continues to spiral out of control.

  5. @ WC Jaded:
    I have no figures to indicate what it is like elsewhere, but I have no doubt that readers resident in my county will find it difficult to believe any alleged plod response to a reported crime. I still do not know if West Yorks plod are dealing with a five year backlog, or if I jumped an even longer queue as a result of vociferous complaints and persistent lampooning of our local 'crime commissioner'.

    A quick update on the Infamous Almondbury Lawnmower Theft: This reported crime is one of many to enervate Mr Plod after heavy servitude involved in providing crime numbers. No date has yet been announced for investigation of the theft...

    Having a full set, it is very easy for me to offer commiserations to one who is now without balls. In this matter, I trust there is a crumb of solace in the knowledge that they are not the greatest loss in life which is that what corrupts the mind and soul before our end.

  6. "Also the sentence imposed on Beach was rather lenient so I'm assuming his 'making indecent photos of kids' was of the 'paddling pool on the hottest day of the year' type.."

    I'm not sure why you'd think that, rather than just yet more leniency from a not-fit-for-purpose judicial system?

    "And just maybe, a couple of kids threatened, robbed and scared witless will decide to carry a knife for protection in case it happens again and our society continues to spiral out of control."

    I'm only surprised they weren't carrying! It is the 'Nam, after all!
