Thursday 17 August 2017

Comparing Apples And Orangutans* Again

The ban has divided opinions in the country, particularly after it recently made headlines for animal welfare policy after Copenhagen Zoo slaughtered the “surplus” young male giraffe Marius.
Wait, what? What have those two things got to do with one another?
On Twitter, David Krikler (@davekriks) wrote: “In Denmark butchering a healthy giraffe in front of kids is cool but a kosher/halal chicken is illegal.”
Byakuya Ali-Hassan (@SirOthello) said it was “disgusting” that “the same country that slaughtered a giraffe in public to be fed to lions… is banning halal meat because of the procedures”.
Mogens Larsen (@Moq72), from Aalborg in Denmark, tweeted: “Denmark bans the religious slaughter of animals. Not even zoo lions are allowed a taste of halal giraffe.”
The humane slaughter of a giraffe - regardless of what they did with the carcass - is nothing to do with the barbaric practice of halal or kosher slaughter.

* No orangutans were ritually slaughtered in the creation of this post


  1. What are the odds, huh? All these regular Joe, average guys in the street alighting on the same ludicrous talking point.

    The left is totes the voice of the people though, you guys!

  2. I bet those moaning about the giraffe are of the opinion that because a giraffe is dead, halal should be legal, rather than halal is barbaric and should be illegal and we should also maybe not kill giraffes

  3. The RSPCA is always silent when it comes to Kosher and Halal slaughter. Both should be banned in the UK as should the importation of any animal or meat therefrom killed in such a barbaric manner.

  4. Reminds me - have to finish the turkey today. Humanely of course.

  5. I'm with Dr Evil on this - 100%.

  6. "The left is totes the voice of the people though, you guys!"

    If 'people' is defined in pure DNA terms...

    "...rather than halal is barbaric and should be illegal and we should also maybe not kill giraffes"

    Of that, I have little doubt!

    "The RSPCA is always silent when it comes to Kosher and Halal slaughter."

    Too busy suing OAPs for not providing the necessary 'walkies'... :/

    "Humanely of course."

    Of course!
