Friday 18 August 2017

In Twitter Veritas...

One of the things about modern social media - best or worst things? you decide - is its immediacy gives you an insight into peoples' true thoughts:

Never mind the grocer's apostrophe, feel the assumption that all those other terror attacks by Islamic extremists had a kinda point, really...

Still, at least she's unelected. Unlike Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood:

Because when you hear there's been a murderous rampage in a van, the first thing that comes to mind is 'right wing terror'...


  1. Yep, those are you two options: either it's evil right-wing terrorism or someone made them do it.

  2. Is there a Latin phrase for "fuckwits of the world unite"?

  3. Leanne is unfortunately, a moron. Because only a moron would come out with this as opposed to Islamic Terrorism.

  4. I think being in politics calls for a small brain. Either that or they go to pot once in office...


  5. When challenged about it she doubled down, posting "Isis is far right".

    "Far right" is a label she's previously applied to UKIP.

  6. How do we get this racist cow arrested?

  7. Day of the Dozy Bints. Both short of a shirt to iron...

  8. Yasmin Alhibi-Brown, family flung out of Uganda by Idi Amin who wanted Asians out of Africa(cos that's not racist at all)
    Given refuge in the UK and then proceeded to make a career out of attacking us for our racism but never wanted to return to her ancestral homeland of Pakistan(why not I wonder?)
    What a fucking ungrateful cunt.

    I`m done being cowed by the racist tag, if life in Europe or the UK is so onerous for "people of colour" then why don't they just fuck off back to their own countries?

    Yes I`m racist and the anti racism SJWs made me one.

  9. "Yep, those are you two options..."

    There's a name for people who believe everything is black & white...

    "Either that or they go to pot once in office..."

    I think if they want to be in office, it disqualifies them from it.

    ""Far right" is a label she's previously applied to UKIP."

    Of course!

    "I`m done being cowed by the racist tag..."

    Me too. It's been rendered utterly meaningless.
