Tuesday 22 August 2017


A seven-year-old girl was left with horrifying chemical burns and scars after getting a black henna tattoo on a holiday in Egypt.
Gosh! Here's a familiar story. It's like the first swallow of summer. Or the first near-drowning of summer.

Do we have chavnames and inadequate parents? Reader, of course we do...
Madison Gulliver was on holiday when her father Martin allowed her to get the temporary tattoo on her arm at a four-star hotel.
Mr Gulliver, 50, a Royal Mail manager from the Isle of Wight, said: 'She is potentially scarred for life after getting a black henna tattoo.
'The tattoo was done in the hotel's salon and they claim it's not the henna and that it's my daughters skin.
'She has blisters from her finger to her elbow and is in so much pain.
'We were entirely unaware of the dangers and I think they should warn of this in the brochures. 
'I think it's partly my fault because I didn't know about it, but also the fault of the salon because they are using dangerous chemicals on children.
'We would have thought that the travel agents would have had concerns about this.
'We want to get the message out to other people.'
Jeez, where to start?


  1. My thanks for the link! With Bank Holiday weekend approaching, it's about time I did another round-up; this year looks like supplying a vintage crop.

    These henna tattoo stories never fail to amaze; either the parents concerned are startlingly ignorant of what has been a regular news story for years or they do know about it but are are willing to take a risk with their child's health - do the journalists ever tell them, I wonder, just how many cases they have already reported?

  2. And he's a "manager", not a warehouse operative or suchlike!

  3. Well, an even worse story is that I had some dodgy fish and chips yesterday evening, and have felt poorly all day!

    I think we should be told!

  4. "...this year looks like supplying a vintage crop."

    These fields are never fallow... ;)

    "And he's a "manager", not a warehouse operative or suchlike!"

    Horrifying thought, isn't it?

    "More work for the NHS!"

    In cases like these, they should insist on claiming the costs back from the idiot's holiday insurance.
