Wednesday 23 August 2017

This Would Be Funny, If We Weren't Forced To Pay For Their Box-Ticking Incompetence...

Miss Settimo-Bovio claims the police took Alfie because of an incident at the end of June.
She said: 'I had totally forgotten about it so when the police came, it was completely out the blue.'
On June 21, she said she received a delivery from an online order and, because Alfie becomes excited around people and she lives on the ground floor, she asked the courier to leave the package outside the door. About 10 minutes later she went outside, but the courier was still there at the back of his van and Alfie ran through her legs to chase him.
Oh noes! Thank goodness we have the Dangerous Dogs Act! Why, anything could have happened!
It was reported the dog was 'possibly a Border Collie or similar size' but when police arrived they discovered Alfie was in fact a Yorkshire Terrier.
Well, then, it's lucky for everyone seven of the useless bastards turned up in vans!

Kingston Police Dog Unit in action. You can't be too careful!
She told MailOnline: 'The police have not rang me and I don't know anything about what's happening.
'I was supposed to have an appointment at 11am yesterday but when I went they said they didn't know anything so I went back today but the guy dealing with it is apparently sick, so I am having to wait for their call so can't go out.
'I'm in shock. I suffer from anxiety and stress, and this has made it so much worse. It was really over the top to send so many people for such a small dog.'
This is the absolute last fucking straw.

Any so-called public service that can callously treat an elderly lady like this over such a trivial matter, whilst cowering in impotence before every politically-correct 'victim group' going, is not worth an hour of my time.

Come defend this, if you dare.


  1. I'd like to know the name of the delivery company and the driver who was so scared of a tiny dog that he ran away screeching, fell over and bruised himself. I'm wondering if one of his names is Mo.

  2. "Well, then, it's lucky for everyone seven of the useless bastards turned up in vans!"

    The Magnificent Seven Useless Bastards. Were you 'their', Jaded?

  3. Meanwhile, "management" will be holding meetings about why they've got the reputation they have . . . .

  4. The last straw Julia? What happens now then? Going to post some more biased news cut and pasted from the daily mail to keep idiots like Melvin happy?

  5. After all the 'pet mauled my child to death' incidents of the last few years and considering the size of the dog was misreported I don't find it surprising the Police sent as many men to the shout as possible. There are probably 'rules' inplace. An out of control dog running down the street after having dispatched the delivery man would have been a clear and present danger to everyone.

    Would we be so critical if the dog had indeed been an albino rottweiler ? No we'd be asking why the RSPCA armed response unit wasn't on scene before the unarmed Police. As any copper will tell you people are notoriously bad at reporting incidents accurately, for understandable reasons -the 4 ft dwarf with a orange plastic toy axe becomes a 6ft mugger with a machete.

  6. Lucky she didn't have a white stick or she woeld have been tasered too. Perhaps getting her side of the story might have been a better start than sending in the Seven Samurai.

  7. I suppose it made a change from patrolling social media...

  8. "Perhaps getting her side of the story might have been a better start than sending in the Seven Samurai. "

    and how is that supposed to work? They get a 999 call that a dog is attacking someone in public and they first have to find out who the owner is and give them a ring before sending out officers? Or did you mean sending out a single officer to check first...while Lassie perhaps snacks on a kiddy or two.

    Don't get me wrong, some things the police have done recently have put the 'farce' in 'force'...I mention for example 'rainbow coloured cars' (something that should have seen the chief constable spending more time with his mistress.) But in this instance I don't see how the police could have handled it any different.

  9. @ ketch up yours, mate. Take your plod sauce elsewhere

  10. "how is that supposed to work? They get a 999 call that a dog is attacking someone in public and they first have to find out who the owner is and give them a ring before sending out officers? Or did you mean sending out a single officer to check first...while Lassie perhaps snacks on a kiddy or two."

    I think you're missing the point that in this case the 'offence' was reported at the end of June, and the 'We're only 8 weeks away when seconds count' police force turned up in August. Do you think they might have made few inquiries in that period? Its not as if they were that worried about the dog mauling people to death in the meantime obviously, as they did SFA.

  11. "I think you're missing the point " Jim

    Indeed I was-that is what happens when you only read the first paragraph or two of the Daily Brexshiteur. My bad.

    Although my point remains, to a degree, as I imagine that the police have protocols in place that when they 'collect' a dog under the DDA then they have to go in force and take an RSPCA SWAT team with them. The fact it was only a fake dog makes no difference.

    @Anon "@ ketch up yours, mate. Take your plod sauce elsewhere" Other side of the fence I'm afraid , i just get a little tired of people (all cops may be bastards but they are still people) being criticised unjustly for doing their jobs under the rules they have to abide to.

  12. "I'd like to know the name of the delivery company and the driver..."

    Me too.

    "Meanwhile, "management" will be holding meetings about why they've got the reputation they have . . . ."

    And will conclude it's because they don't abase themselves before identity group spokescreatures enough...

    "Going to post some more biased news cut and pasted from the daily mail..."

    If the cops stopped providing me with ammo, I'd stop firing, Jaded.

    "As any copper will tell you people are notoriously bad at reporting incidents accurately, for understandable reasons -the 4 ft dwarf with a orange plastic toy axe becomes a 6ft mugger with a machete. "

    You misunderstand - it's not the number of vans that turned up, it's the subsequent action! A mistaken report? Or a maliciously wrong one?

    Why is the reportee not facing the consequences of deliberately lying?

  13. "Lucky she didn't have a white stick or she woeld have been tasered too."


    "I suppose it made a change from patrolling social media..."

    Maybe if they'd checked out her Facebook page & found no mention of a Border Collie...? ;)

    "But in this instance I don't see how the police could have handled it any different."

    Really?!? The fact they've been shamed into returning the dog tells you something.

    "...i just get a little tired of people (all cops may be bastards but they are still people) being criticised unjustly for doing their jobs under the rules they have to abide to."

    Just as we get a little tired of 'the rules' always being used as an excuse..?
