Friday 25 August 2017

Guardian Column ‘Why Immigrants Are Better Than Us’ No 23984568

You say that you feel a level of patriotism towards Britain, but that it’s a very dysfunctional country when it comes to race.
I say that I enjoy a level of patriotism that only immigrants can really have, as we have the objectivity of living elsewhere. That’s the crux of it. But the conversation that we have about race in this country is pushed to absurdity, as it’s always taken to extremes. The moderate opinion – which is usually the most prevalent one – isn’t heard as much. It’s the more extreme voices that are allowed to be heard and that makes moderates feel uneasy about discussing it.
Why do I think he's not talking about the extreme left wing voices here..?


  1. It's not often that I agree with lefties, but I do this time.

    100% correct that Britain is a very dysfunctional country when it comes to race - no problems when it comes to immigrants or those of BME/colour/whatever, but different rules apply to the white British.

    And as for "It’s the more extreme voices that are allowed to be heard and that makes moderates feel uneasy about discussing it." surely that perfectly sums up the MSM and the PTB?

  2. Perhaps he would be happier in Malaysia, where under the Bhumiputera system, there is officially mandated discrimination against the racial minorities like the Chinese and Indians. It goes as far as reserving high interest bearing investments for ethnic Malays only, and giving them first refusal of new-build housing with a 7% discount.


  3. So he is Malaysian Chinese. As in Malaya where the government as a matter of explicit policy institutes quotas to favour one under-performing ethnic group (the Malays) at the expense of the more intelligent and industrious Chinese and Indians. Which could be thought a little bit, you know, 'R'-wordy. You could almost call it institutionalised, if you wanted to be accurate. And yet he thinks it's the UK that needs to hear his Deep Thoughts?

  4. Check out today's DM, Julia. 'A senior police officer at the Metropolitan Police has said victims of crime who don't speak English could be prioritised more during call outs. Craig Mackey, deputy commissioner for the force, said the Met could decide who receives a face to face visit from the police depending how 'vulnerable' they are. He added the method was an 'absolutely feasible' way to help the force cope following cuts to funding.'

    Khan it be blackmail, just normal plod stupidity, or a bit of both?

  5. "...but different rules apply to the white British."

    Good point!

    "Perhaps he would be happier in Malaysia..."

    I'd be happier! ;)

    "Which could be thought a little bit, you know, 'R'-wordy."

    Perish the thought!

    "Check out today's DM, Julia."

    Oh, I do. I always do.
