Friday 25 August 2017

If The First Question The Investigating Officer Had Wasn't 'HOW..?!?'...

...then he's got no business in uniform! But no, of course they just kept on and on investigating her claims & banging up yet more and more totally innocent men:
Prosecutor Madeleine Moore told the court police spent 6,400 hours investigating Beale's claims at a cost of at least £250,000, and the trial cost at least £109,000.
 But hey, it's only taxpayers' money, right?
Lawrence Henderson, defending, said Beale still maintains her innocence, and she was considering appealing against sentence.
He told the court: 'Ms Beale stands by the claims she made in this matter and if she had her time again she would again plead not guilty to these matters and contest the trial.'
Sure, why not? She'll almost certainly get legal aid. And as I type this, I've no doubt whatsoever that someone, somewhere is penning a CiF column about how these cases are so rare, and she's really a 'victim' herself.


  1. Good lord, whatever happened to commonsense? Yet Mr Plod's understanding of Blackstone's ratio is to err on the side of idiocy, so that fifteen innocent men may suffer rather than one real criminal be caught.

    What surprises me is that you didn't Taser and waterboard all fifteen 'rapists', WC Jaded.

  2. ...and that CIF column will have the comments uncannily turned off.

  3. Exactly. The Nu Police have ditched dullsville PC Dixon in favour of allegedly super smart Stella Gibson types with Masters degrees... who keep getting apparently bamboozled by alleged victims who are clearly mad, bad or sad.

    Look at the Ched Evans case for proof of that: experienced investigators supposedly chumped by a teenager with industrial-scale substance abuse issues.

    The cops concerned are either crooks or retarded. There are no other options.

  4. What would the police spend if there was a claim of burglary in the homeless people's under-the-bridge abode, and the victim maintained that his plasma TV, set of gold-plated golf clubs and a Matisse he kept under his carboard box had been nicked? Relevant question? Just look at the state of that obese lump. Who on earth would want to have sex with her?

  5. DJ
    If I recall correctly the "victim" in the Ched Evans case didn't believe she had been raped and only wanted to report a missing handbag or some such. It was the police and so-called friends who railroaded her into making an accusation she would never have made left to her own devices.

  6. The questions isn't how but why?

  7. We can all dream, as this woman clearly does.

  8. I note she/it comes from Middlesex - there's a clue!
    The only way to assault such a huge land-whale would be with a 10 foot barge pole.

  9. @Rev.Spooner....

    Your wish etc,

  10. And yet the victims of Asian male grooming gangs had to fight to be heard, for years...

    God help us all.


  11. Who'd've thought, eh? I am indeed a modern soothsayer.

    Good grief.

    More evidence that Zoe Williams is a truly unpleasant, gusting evil, human being.
    (Note, NOT "woman" - this evil is gender unspecific)

    As are the CiF editors, who know and plan precisely what they are doing when they reject the comment facility.

  12. "It was the police and so-called friends who railroaded her into making an accusation she would never have made left to her own devices"

    She never made any allegations whatsoever in or out of court, she merely said she could not remember what happened. The entire case was forced upon her by a combination of the police and the CPS, the CPS bearing the most blame as they make the decision to prosecute or not. To them she was just a piece of leverage to try and push their political agenda regarding rape law.

  13. "...and that CIF column will have the comments uncannily turned off."

    Of course! Feminists cannot operate outside an echo chamber.

    "The cops concerned are either crooks or retarded. There are no other options."

    Why the 'or'..? ;)

    "What would the police spend if there was a claim of burglary in the homeless people's under-the-bridge abode, and the victim maintained that his plasma TV, set of gold-plated golf clubs and a Matisse he kept under his carboard box had been nicked?"

    Sadly, I suspect it'd be 'Ooh, a 'vulnerable person'. Better take it seriously'

    "The entire case was forced upon her by a combination of the police and the CPS, the CPS bearing the most blame as they make the decision to prosecute or not. "

    And under the 'leadership' of Saunders, who thinks things will improve? Anyone? Bueller?
