Sunday 13 August 2017

I Think We're Gonna Need A Bigger Plate...

...because 480 kids won't fit around a plate that size. Maybe they could do it in shifts...?



H/T@Galakitty via YTwitte


  1. The Blocked Dwarf13 August 2017 at 10:27

    Please Sir, could I....

  2. I'm outraged and horrified that it's a pork dinner. This is obviously racist Islamaphobia, and fascist blatant disconcern for the needs of the 28 yr-old refugee children.

  3. "Share Your Lunch" - new Gov't child obesity strategy supported by Jamie Oliver & SJW NGOs: 480 children share one plate of pork roast dinner.

    In other news, Labour & SJW NGOs accuse Gov't of making poor children starve during summer holidays as no free school meals.

    Meanwhile number of foodbanks giving donated free food to "the poor" increases - Labour & SJW NGOs say this is disgraceful (prefer Blair/Brown keep them secret and let poor starve?).

  4. "Please Sir, could I...."


    "I'm outraged and horrified that it's a pork dinner. This is obviously racist Islamaphobia..."


    "Meanwhile number of foodbanks giving donated free food to "the poor" increases..."

    Pretty sure if I gave away free stuff, demand would soon outstrip supply! It's like a law o' nature, or summink.
