Sunday 13 August 2017

Wait A Minute, Who Wouldn't Film This..?!?

...because it'd be quite a feat, given how unstable they are and the pilot would really have to be on the ball to avoid...




  1. The Blocked Dwarf13 August 2017 at 12:18

    and the next day when the woman appeared at the station to report a violent date rape...

    In this day and age of rising claims of rape and other sex crimes, I should hope the police were filming every couple they flew over, infact the cameras should be rolling the whole time the bird is in the air -as should police body cams.

    Mind you, those who get off on al fresco sex would probably find the added 'frisson' of police videoing from above a turn ON not off. The Cop Helo would probably run out of tape (or gigs these days) to record all the couples on every green open space.

    *wonders if there would be a market for t-shirts with the logo 'Wave your knickers in the air for the nice policeman'?*

  2. This voyeur Plod got extra time for telling the Judge he was only part of a stakeout for a big snatch. Relative of yours, Penise?

  3. Glad I wasn't there when the shit hit the big fan.

  4. He wasted public money, why waste more by gaoling him. A fine would have been better and he has lost his job. What purpose does sending him to gaol serve?

  5. I suppose it would depend upon who's got the best chopper.

    OK, I'll get my coat.

  6. Some of the people he filmed were apparently folk he knew through a swinger's site and they were putting on a show for the camera, as the helicopter flew over. Some people...


  7. The Blocked Dwarf14 August 2017 at 10:54

    " they were putting on a show for the camera, as the helicopter flew over. Some people..."

    *wonders if they would be interested in my new range of 'Wave Your Knickers In The Air For The Nice Policemen©' t-shirts (with Stain Guard tecnhnology®)*

  8. "Mind you, those who get off on al fresco sex would probably find the added 'frisson' of police videoing from above a turn ON not off."

    Instead of dogging, we have 'birding' !

    "He wasted public money, why waste more by gaoling him. A fine would have been better.."

    I think I agree, given the cost of the extra protection he'll need in jail.
