Monday 14 August 2017

Literal House Arrest!

Paul Dickenson, 26,used threatening racially motivated language towards Brett Gordon, and Nathaniel Yon, and Adam Poon between January and May.
He also assaulted and harassed two police officers.
Dickenson, of Baffins Lane, Chichester, admitted 14 offences at Worthing Magistrates' Court on July 3 including being drunk and disorderly, possession of cannabis and breaching previous court orders.
Yet the racial abuse attracts a higher tariff, obviously. Not spent in prison, mind you:
Magistrates sentenced Dickenson to a 20 month suspended prison sentence, and issued him a curfew until October 2 banning him from leaving his property at night.
One wonders why the judge felt the need to inflict punishment on his neighbours....
Magistrates said they had been particularly concerned by his "pattern of racially motivated offending over a five month period".
The cannabis taking and the ignoring of court orders are a mere bagatelle, but heavens to Betsy, we can't have racism!


  1. Racism is the new witchcraft.

    Merely thinking something bad may cause a neighbour's milk to turn sour.

    And if you have Bad Searches that is the modern equivalent to poppets by which one brings down a curse.

    As before, the witchfinders will be tremendously sure of themselves and their righteousness.

  2. @WoaR

    Exceptionally well put. Thank you for that.

  3. "Racism is the new witchcraft. "

    As Ted says, spot on!
