Wednesday 2 August 2017

Just When I Thought I Couldn't Admire Her More....

Margaret Thatcher intervened to overrule the home secretary and ensure that the Moors murderers, Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, were never released from prison, Downing Street papers have revealed.
Thatcher told Leon Brittan in February 1985 that his proposed minimum sentences of 30 years for Hindley and 40 years for Brady were too short.
“I do not think that either of these prisoners should ever be released from custody. Their crime was the most hideous and cruel in modern times,” she wrote on Brittan’s proposal.
...this comes along.


  1. In truth both were kept incarcerated for thier own protection. Neither would have survived release from prison for very long.

  2. What? Like Thompson and Venables? One of them revealed his identity AND got caught with kiddie porn... can't seem to recall him swinging from the nearest lamp post

  3. John M - you're quite right; and I wouldn't give much for the chances of any Home Secretary who permitted their release.

  4. "... can't seem to recall him swinging from the nearest lamp post"

    Which I'm trying to convince myself is a good thing. Can't quite manage it.
