Wednesday 2 August 2017

Nice Old Essex Name…

Police are appealing for information following an incident in Corringham where am elderly woman was dragged out of bed and forced to hand over her wedding ring.
Two men broke into an address in Thames Haven Road at around 4.30am on Wednesday, July 12. The woman was woken up by the men who dragged her out of bed and forced her to hand over her wedding ring. The suspects also stole a necklace and bank cards before threatening to harm the woman.
The victim’s bank card was later used at Lloyds bank in Corringham and a three-figure sum of cash was taken.
Charming. And readers could be forgiven for looking for the 'travellers' label on this story. But no!
A 25 year-old man has since been arrested and charged with a string of offences but one suspect remains outstanding.
Lewis Onwuchekwa, 25, of Newton Road Tilbury, has been charged with robbery, dangerous driving, possession of a noxious substance with intent to resist arrest, assaulting a police officer and escaping lawful custody.
Ah, how Essex is benefiting from that diversity that London keeps sending us...


  1. Ah, how Essex is benefiting from that diversity that London keeps sending us...

    Tell me about it. A few weeks ago a family about 50 metres further along my road commandeered a small piece of communal land behind their house and started a party at 5pm, to which they had evidently invited a ridiculous number of young people. I don't know if they laid on any food, but I imagine it would have been the mangy chicken, bony fish and rice with bits in that represents the zenith of West African cuisine. The noise - both from 'music' and the chatter of so many people from a group who seem to whisper at 80dB - was intolerable, so that on what felt like the hottest day of the year we had to close all our windows and swelter. To be fair the music went off at 11pm, but it took a couple of hours for the guests to finally disperse, during which time the road was blocked with cars, and the pavements with gibbering teenage drama queens. I wasn't filled with warm feelings towards them.

    The area I now live was largely populated by Londoners moving out in the 1970s and 1980s when priority for social housing in the East End was given to incoming Bangladeshis with large families. Although I've been living here full-time for just three years, I've known the area well for twenty years, and can see the frightening pace of change. Until about ten years ago, the place was overwhelmingly pallid - not without its problems, but there was a real sense of community. In less than a decade, the area has become more than 10% African (the school-age population probably double that) with some schools effectively monocultural. The sense of community has all but vanished as the different groups do not mix, and the place seems a lot less safe. The question is, if things deteriorate further, where do 'we' go this time? England is my only possible home. I don't have an Israel.

    Apologies for the rant, Jules.

  2. And still they won't let homeowners have guns for defence

  3. The Blocked Dwarf3 August 2017 at 18:09

    @Just Trevor, the answer is easy my friend: Start a campaign to have that communal piece of land declared a 'Community Rainbow Peace Garden, the flower beds tastefully spelling out gender diversity positive verses from the Koran. You could probably get funding from the council for it and they'd put up tasteful signs forbidding any kind of meat-jerk-ing or twerking on the patch.

    Or start a campaign to have the plot declared a short stay traveller site- ok you'd have to move if they did but it would sure piss off the other 'communities' about you.

  4. The Blocked Dwarf3 August 2017 at 18:21

    @Bucko, take a walk down any Brit street and then tell me you want the sort of people who put Gnomes in their Gardens, house numbers on their wheely bins and 'No Turning' signs on their driveways being armed. :P

  5. @The Blocked Dwarf- There would of course still have to be some restrictions on such mentally ill types. Their gnomes can defend them

  6. "...I've known the area well for twenty years, and can see the frightening pace of change."

    Yup! I've just heard the Rev Anne Easter on R2 extolling the virtues of Westcliff for a seaside retreat, and saying you go there if you're 'a bit posh'.

    My god, I thought, just how long is it since she visited?!?

    "And still they won't let homeowners have guns for defence"

    Yet the seem so prevalent amongst the other sectors of the 'community'...

    "Or start a campaign to have the plot declared a short stay traveller site- ok you'd have to move if they did but it would sure piss off the other 'communities' about you."

    We've resurrected the 'Mutual Assured Destruction' concept!

    "...and then tell me you want the sort of people who put Gnomes in their Gardens, house numbers on their wheely bins and 'No Turning' signs on their driveways being armed. :P"

    Better them than some!
