Tuesday 1 August 2017

Little Scamps!

The sort of 'children' the police wouldn't touch, I wonder?
Naeem Butt, 58, was driving along Longbridge Road, Dagenham when a youth on a bike jumped out in front of him. He says he braked to avoid an accident and then saw another child in his rear view mirror.
“Out of nowhere” other children circled him and started to throw eggs through the open window into his passenger seat. They also vandalised his car and broke his wing mirror.
Because of the weather my windows were down,” he told the Post.
“After they threw eggs in my car they started punching me in the face about 15 to 18 times.”
A resident witnessed the incident and called the police.
If they turned up at all, there's no evidence of it.
“I have no idea why they did it, when they started punching me I didn’t know what to do,” he added.
“This is the second time it has happened to me in that area”.
WTF? Wouldn't you avoid that area?
A Met Police spokesman confirmed that an incident on Monday, July 3 at 9pm was reported to them.
Police say they have made no arrest and have exhausted all avenues of inquiry.
Doesn't sound like they tried all that hard, does it?


  1. 'Police say they have made no arrest and have exhausted all avenues of inquiry.'

    What do folk expect of the police these days? I mean, Mr Butt elected to report a crime necessitating plod expenditure and physical effort as opposed to 'there' bread and butter cases which can be managed remotely. Next time, try exceeding the speed limit by 1 mph, Mr Butt.

  2. Top form today Melvin. Even more boring, prejudice, repetitive,pompous and arrogant than ever. Had an extra pudding in the mental home for energy?

    There's two anti-police posts on here today so quickly scroll up and cut and paste your rubbish onto that one as well.

  3. How hard did they try Julia? Did you ask or did you just post your usual anti crap with no knowledge of the investigation whatsoever?

  4. And the worst thing is, if you run the little b*st*rds over , you'd be the bad guy.....

  5. You keep repeating one of my posts Julia. Don't make me out to be as mad as you know who. Delete this one as well please .

    1. Err, I just publish what you post, Jaded.

  6. I wonder if they would have exhausted all avenues of enquiry if he floored it and ran the little shits over?

  7. Where I live it seems like nearly all of the cars belonging to driving schools have dashcams fitted (front and rear). Given the appalling local driving standards it's a sensible precaution.
    BTW what you really need to avoid in my locality are women in 4x4's. They are universally shite drivers.

  8. The only that starts "top form today Melvin" has been published three times Julia.

  9. I had long suspected that Jaded was suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder, Julia.

  10. Please Miss, Jaded has been copying again.

  11. "How hard did they try Julia? Did you ask or did you just post your usual anti crap with no knowledge of the investigation whatsoever?"

    I know that road, Jaded. I've driven it. There's CCTV all over. Why no images?

    "And the worst thing is, if you run the little b*st*rds over , you'd be the bad guy....."

    I'll let the Saffas get this one:


    "Where I live it seems like nearly all of the cars belonging to driving schools have dashcams fitted (front and rear). "

    Probably be warned by the police that he's infringed the little shits' rights by taking their photo...

    "The only that starts "top form today Melvin" has been published three times Julia."

    On several different posts. Because you keep writing it under different posts.
