Monday 28 August 2017

Oh, They'll Turn Up This Time, Love...'ll be to arrest you:
Amy Jo has been walking the streets to try and identify the boys and says she has been able to identify the boy who kicked Solly, but claims the police have failed her cat by not taking action.
She has now taken to social media and threatened to name the boys if no action is taken.
Just tell the cops they Tweeted something mean about you on Facebook, love. It's the only thing that gets them off their arses these days...
On Facebook, she wrote: 'I have been searching again and now have the same name over and over again. I've knocked locally and people confirm this is him.
'I have [gone down] the right channel. I have contacted the police and they are supposed to call me back! Do they? Course they don't.
'Solly's being let done left right and centre. Within the next 24 hours the name along with the pictures and all I have will be posted!!!!'
Sadly, it seems that we now have to investigate crime ourselves even when we have the CCTV. What's the betting they immediately jump on this and threaten her with arrest?
A spokesperson from London Metropolitan Police said: 'No arrests have been made.
Enquiries continue.'
The ones you aren't making...?

Sure, you'll say 'It's just a cat, and we have to prioritise'. But that's often how it starts with these scum, and we've all seen recently where it can end...


  1. Worthless oxygen thieves, unable to justify their existence. And the scum whose crimes they are paid to investigate, are no better.

  2. She should tell the cops that the victim's first language isn't English, they'll be there in seconds.

  3. "She should tell the cops that the victim's first language isn't English, they'll be there in seconds."

    Both funny AND sad at the same time!
