Monday 28 August 2017

Water Is The Worst Disaster...

...because it doesn't matter how 'rich' your country is.

Fire? Enough resources will put it out. Earthquake? Enough resources will shift the rubble. Hurricane? You can take shelter, and clean up afterwards.

But water? You just have to wait it out, until it recedes.

And this is Texas, not Louisiana.

There'll be no scenes like Katrina here.


  1. This Twitter thread is QI on how Houston is designed to deal with water.

  2. But you can pre-plan and prepare for it, dams, dredging, sensible planning laws, build houses on stilts etc.

  3. "This Twitter thread is QI on how Houston is designed to deal with water. "

    That really was a good thread.

    "But you can pre-plan and prepare for it, dams, dredging, sensible planning laws, build houses on stilts etc."

    Good point! But, like snow in the UK, only worth doing if the risk is great.
