Thursday 22 March 2018

"Keeping You Safe, Citizens!" Part 30726

Canvey Town Council has thousands of pounds set aside for extra policing on the island...but has now been told the scheme has been put “on hold”.
What? Why? If anywhere needs more police, it's Canvey Island!
Police Fire and Crime Commissioner, Roger Hirst, launched the project allowing councils to fund its own PCSOs, or special constables, to be based in specific areas. The town council has earmarked £5,000 in the forthcoming financial year’s budget to fund officers’ hours.
Ah. Well, I suppose they are better than nothing...
However, the council has now been told the scheme has been put on ice, due to ‘procedural issues’.
Which are never expanded upon. One can only hope it's because they are planning to divert the money into a more robust scheme:

Yup, that ought to do it.    


  1. 5k?!?! Shurely shome mishtake there? How many hours is 5k going to fund?

  2. Eleventy thousand according to the Abbotapotamus.

  3. Just Nuke it from Orbit its the only way to be sure!

  4. "5k?!?! Shurely shome mishtake there? How many hours is 5k going to fund?"

    Very little!

    "Eleventy thousand according to the Abbotapotamus."

