Wednesday 21 March 2018

Losing Your Focus...

Nationwide say they will talk to police after Twitter users got so angry about a pair of singing sisters on the building society's adverts that some even said they wished they were dead.
Except that from the article, no-one actually did that. You'd have to be an idiot (or a publicity hungry chief marketing officer) to think so.
The songs by comedy duo Flo and Joan to promote the society's financial products have provoked rare online ire, as one user wrote: 'So who's chipping in to get these two singing sisters from the Nationwide advert brutally murdered?'
Another said: 'I don't condone violence of any kind. But it'd benefit us all if the women off the Nationwide advert were left on an uninhabited island far, far away. For the rest of their lives.'
A third added: 'Hypothetically - If #floandjoan (the two singing witches from the Nationwide advert) were to suddenly go missing in mysterious circumstances, there'd actually be 60 million suspects.'
A curious thing for a building society to concern itself with simple banter, no? Unless the adverts aren't getting them enough clicks, I suppose...

Nationwide's Chief Marketing officer Sara Bennison told Ok! is important to call out those persistent offenders who put out vile comments on a regular basis and who should really know better.
'That is why Nationwide is looking to work with other brands, industry bodies, such as ISBA, and the Met Police to look at the true scale of this worrying trend to spread hate from behind a keyboard and attempt to create a solution to tackle the issue.
'It’s one thing not to like an advert, another to threaten to kill the stars of it. Abuse is abuse and that’s never OK in our book.'
I know that 'no publicity is bad publicity', but did Nationwide really hire you to get their name in the paper this way?


  1. Perhaps if the pleasant duo were a tad darker and regaled us with an urban grime dity all problems would be solved....too light and too white.

  2. "Perhaps if the pleasant duo were a tad darker and regaled us with an urban grime dity all problems would be solved....too light and too white."

    It would have guaranteed them no criticism, that's for sure!
