Wednesday 7 March 2018

Not Travelling For A While...

Ward, who has many previous convictions, lost the use of his legs five years ago when a passenger in a serious accident.
You'd think he'd learn, wouldn't you?
Felix Ward had hand-operated rods attached to the brake and accelerator pedals of the automatic BMW 330 Sports and Audi A3 hatchback which were stolen in car key burglaries, a judge was told.
If only such enthusiasm were redirected into actual paid employment!
Mr Iain Suggett, defending, said of the Wolverhampton burglary: "The travelling community had attended a wedding in the city, went for a drive and the rest is history."
A masterful summing up, there!

H/T: Ted Treen via email


  1. So 'Legs' got 4 years and 8 months, which means he will be out in 2 years from HMP Butlins, where his condition will give him special treatment, and he will then continue as before.
    Does anyone outside the court system believe those given unpaid work will actually turn up and do it? As before, they will disappear into the travelling community and never be seen again, until they are arrested once more.
    We really do have naïve libtards in charge of sentencing.

  2. "...We really do have naïve libtards in charge of sentencing..."

    As an observation, this is perfectly true; but it begs the question "Why?"

  3. "Does anyone outside the court system believe those given unpaid work will actually turn up and do it?"

    I'm not entirely sure anyone inside believes it either. But I guess it's a living.

    "...but it begs the question "Why?""

    The answer can only be 'because that's who the system selects'.
