Wednesday 7 March 2018

Then He Climbed The Post Office Tower And Bared His Teeth At Royal Air Force Biplanes...

Officers are said to have struggled with the 15-stone hooker for almost an hour before he grabbed the Taser himself, yelling: "You're getting it now."
Just sums up the modern police farce, doesn't it?

Go all in like stormtroopers when the target is a couple of pensioners, but prove barely capable of holding their own when the target fights back.
Detective Constable Lynsey Watson-Perry, of GMP's Wigan borough, said: "In all their careers, the officers at the scene had never been so scared nor witnessed such a violent individual that had so much strength to fight"
"Moore knew exactly what he was doing, using his size and experience on the rugby field to evade officers in a desperate struggle that threatened both the safety of officers and innocent members of the public."
Maybe they should stick to Facebook spats in future?


  1. How would you deal with a coked up professional rugby league player who didn't want to come quietly? I'm not sure what the magic word is you'd use to subdue him.In the USA or a lot of other parts of Europe he wouldn't have been shot with a taser. Trying to arrest someone who doesn't want to be arrested isn't easy. Inflict any injury and the IOPC are after you and at best your life is on hold. Perhaps you should make yourself for legal and tactical advice as you are always right (after the event).


  2. A friend of mine was one of the policemen involved in this. He had told that he had just spent an hour grappling with a 15-stone hooker. I confess that at the time I misunderstood him.

  3. I saw this: unfortunately the line Police struggle with 15 stone hooker brought an entirely different scenario to mind.

  4. If there is one thing worse than strong drink and bad women, it is bad drink and strong women ...

  5. Cowards, liars, perverts, drug dealing scum, cheats, thieves and fraudsters. All wearing a similar food-stained uniform on the days they turn up for 'work'.

  6. Always look for the silver lining.
    The earliest practical demonstration that a standard equipment pack comprising: radio, flashlight, batteries, taser, pens, pencils, pepper spray, window punch, baton and cuddly toy, can all be anally inserted, could result in no further criticism of Mr Plod's oversize gut.

  7. When you are restricted to "Home Office approved restraining holds" and the other person has no rules at all to follow, and later judgements made on any injuries caused, can make an arrest difficult.

  8. You really need to up your medication Melvin. You are starting to ramble and repeat yourself.All this hatred over a lawnmower. Let it go.

  9. Given how cocky so many of those coppers you see on Fly-on-the-wall TV are about thier Tasers, I cannot be the only one who would have loved to have seen them shitting the bed at the sight of Moore ripping the taser out and coming at them growling...

  10. What on earth are you cackling about, WC Jaded? I don't hate you or anyone. I am more inclined to laugh at, mock and ridicule the everyday instances of Plod farce which are discussed here and elsewhere.

  11. "Trying to arrest someone who doesn't want to be arrested isn't easy."

    The police seem to have no troubles with little pensioners. It's a puzzle.

    "I confess that at the time I misunderstood him."


    "...and the other person has no rules at all to follow, and later judgements made on any injuries caused, can make an arrest difficult."

    I've no doubt. But this is, indubitably, part of the job, is it not?

    "Given how cocky so many of those coppers you see on Fly-on-the-wall TV are about thier Tasers, I cannot be the only one who would have loved to have seen them shitting the bed at the sight of Moore ripping the taser out and coming at them growling..."

    If only Wigan featured in one of them!It's usually Essex or Staffordshire.
