Tuesday 6 March 2018

The Offence-Takers Get Ambitious....

A traffic accident, a news report, and....CUE OUTRAGE!

This is what pandering to the lowest-common denominator on other matters gets you - a demand that newspapers should cease reporting news.

With the modern, thoroughly warped version of 'respect' (meaning craven capitulation for fear of injury) thrown in for good measure.


  1. Our local fire and rescue have two cars and a motorbike that were smashed up in fatal crashes. They use them as part of a mobile display, that they take to local schools and motor clubs to show what happens when a vehicle travelling at speed hits something. I understand the families of the deceased have given their permission, as it may help prevent future crashes, thus saving lives, and sparing other families the pain and grief that they have been through.

    It is a credit to the families that they can still think of other people, at such a devastating time for themselves.

  2. It took 65 comments before someone had the un-common decency to say "not least the poor bus driver, who will probably never fully emotionally recover." (Ok I'm biased, my youngest is a bus driver).

  3. We get this at our paper too. We take no notice.

  4. "It is a credit to the families that they can still think of other people, at such a devastating time for themselves."

    Indeed so. A sign of maturity all too rare these days.

    "It took 65 comments before someone had the un-common decency to say.."

    My thoughts are always with the person behind the wheel (or whatever trains have in place of a wheel) in these incidents.

  5. "We get this at our paper too. We take no notice."

    A sensible course of action!
