Wednesday 2 May 2018

Good, There's One Less...For A While, At Least.

Mark Pearson, 47, of Grampian Flats, Balmoral Road, Westcliff, returned to begging after breaching a criminal behaviour order.
The order, which was put in place in November, prohibited him from begging. Yet Pearson was seen outside the entrance to the Co-Operative store in Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff, asking people for money on January 28 this year.
And he didn't confine his offences to just begging, either:
In the aftermath Pearson turned violent and attacked PC Marc Cann and was subsequently charged with two counts of assaulting a police officer in the execution of his duty.
And was bailed. You can guess what happened next, can't you?
Pearson was also charged with an additional count of assaulting a police officer after he assaulted PC Northcott on February 26 in Basildon - an offence he committed while on bail for the original charges.
Pearson denied all four charges and refused to attend the courtroom - and instead insisted on staying inside his cell. The court found him guilty in his absence.
In any other country, he'd have been dragged into the dock in chains. Why are we so supine?
Pearson was sentenced to four months in prison for assaulting PC Cann - and two months for assaulting PC Northcott to run consecutively.
It was decided there would be no separate penalty for breaching the order.
Then what the hell was the point in applying for it?


  1. Hopefully in jail he can be given violin lessons, so he can learn to beg in a classier way in future.

  2. You are all heart, JuliaM.

  3. "Hopefully in jail he can be given violin lessons, so he can learn to beg in a classier way in future."

    Can you do 'Wonderwall' on the violin?

    "You are all heart, JuliaM."

    Yes, it's often been said.
