Thursday 3 May 2018

Then It's Time To Stop Voting For Them, Isn't It?

Maggie Kelly, 51, of Peel Avenue, Shoebury, and Wendy Punt, 50, of Elm Road, Shoebury, say that the town’s streets (sic) and are calling for more bobbies on the beat to combat knife crime.
I hope they are bigger than the one I saw strolling down the high street with her mate the other day. I could see over the top of her hat, and I'm not tall!

Her mate wasn't that much taller, and the two of them together couldn't handle disorder from anything bigger than a toddler...
Maggie’s son Shaun, 19, and Wendy’s son James, 20, were attacked by men wearing balaclavas in an alleyway near Elm Road, and were shoved to the floor. The thugs threatened the pair with a knife and stole James’ wallet.
Two fit young men were helpless. Not sure what Little & Littler could have done to assist...
The mums are calling on Southend Council to help work to get police the resources needed to make the community safe.
Unless those resources are a few units of the ED-209, it's hard to see what difference they are going to make...
Mrs Kelly said: “We want Shoebury to be safer place to live, I like living here but want it to be a better place to live.
Good luck with that!
“I want to see our local councillors doing something more to make sure that we get more police on our streets.
Really? So, are they lacking?
Mrs Punt said: “We have been speaking to our local councillors about the issue and we just don’t seem to get any answers from them.”
Well, the answer's within your own gift, isn't it? What do you plan to do?


  1. Its not the size of the copper in the fight....

    Or as every girlfriend ever has said to me: 'Size doesn't matter, its how you use it' :(

  2. I'd like to see five of these midget PCSOs try to bring down just one of the lads who goes in the bar at my local when they've finished on the building sites for the day. Hilarity would ensue.

  3. Is PCSO the official name for what, around her, we call 'Blunkett's Bouncers'? You learn something new every day ...

  4. "Its not the size of the copper in the fight...."

    Well, I suppose she could have gnawed his ankles...

    "Hilarity would ensue."

    And they'd expect men to come to their rescue.

    "...for what, around her, we call 'Blunkett's Bouncers'? "

    Heh! Those are the ones!
