Friday 4 May 2018

I Sense A Pattern Emerging...

Whitby crewman Ben Laws and his workmate Joe Winspear were allegedly sacked over the phone on Tuesday. The pair are reported to have swapped the 'jokey' tea mugs for Secret Santa presents. One featured Mr Winspear's head superimposed on a naked woman's body.


And? Which delicate flower even thought this worthy of note?
When a senior female member of staff found them at the headquarters in North Yorkshire, their jobs were brought into question. The pair were initially told to destroy the mugs and that they would face no further action.
'Destroy'..? Not 'take home', but destroy? What the f...?
But the men, who are not paid for their work with the RLNI, then had to go through a disciplinary hearing that looked through their private Whatsapp messages.
They were eventually let go, sparking resignations from four of their colleagues in protest, reports The Sun.
Remember back to November, when the RNLI found that putting a woman with no practical qualifications in charge doesn't work out so well?

This is, I suspect, yet another instance of the same sort of cluelessness.
According to the newspaper they were told they could no longer work at Whitby's RNLI branch because the mugs could have been found by schoolchildren, which posed a 'safeguarding risk'.
Following the backlash, the RNLI fatcats have rushed out the usual self-serving guff companies always rely on, hinting that the MSM has got it wrong, and these are bad 'uns but ooooh, no, we can't tell you why because the lawyers won't let us:
The lifeboat station should be an environment where people can expect to be treated with dignity and respect.
We can not allow bullying, harassment or discrimination in what should be a safe and inclusive environment and there will be serious consequences for anybody who demonstrates this behaviour within the RNLI.
Just the sort of crap you pay...HOW MUCH!!??

Worth it only as a sea anchor... 

Here's a notice to the shiny-trousered morons who've taken over a once-proud charity and made it no better than the bloated, overstuffed RSPCA and RSPB - if I'm in peril on the sea, I don't give a rat's arse what the men - volunteers, too! - who come to rescue me drink their tea out of, nor what mucky jokes or office gossip they might swap on What'sApp.

Nor do I care if the RNLI is a 'diverse and inclusive environment', either. What matters is their seamanship, not their obedience to whatever the SJWs care about at this precise moment.

And if you think I put money in tins to buy the RNLI more 'compliance officers' and 'diversity consultants', think on!


  1. Just cancelled my Direct Debit to the RNLI. It's a shame they have taken this ridiculously intolerant path, as they were a decent charity deserving support for essential work.

  2. 1. The female image is mot naked. There appears to he some form of lower clothing.
    2. Apart from a hint of cleavage, there is nothing that children cannot see in parks, on beaches, or in everyday newspapers and magazines.
    3. How many 50pence piece donations from old ladies pensions does it take to pay the salary of this waste of space? Perhaps she should be made to go through the training that the lifeboat crew have to master before her criticisms be addressed.
    I only hope I never get into peril on the sea as this is another charity I no longer support.

  3. For as long as the sheeple are prepared to put money in the tin ('cos its for the brave boys,innit ') this will only get worse.

  4. All paid staff should be made to go on a rescue mission on a rough sea once a year as a condition of their employment so that they might fully understand what is involved.
    Another charity more concerned with political correctness than it's stated objectives.

  5. The RNLI was one of my favourite charities until this PC nonsense started to get a hold. I got bad vibes when the new swanky offices in Poole were being built. The money the public so generously gave was suddenly being siphoned off to pay posh knobs nice wages the lower orders could only dream of...

    Not to even touch on the fact that those endangering their lives to save others were doing it for free. I'm beyond angry. They won't be getting any of my money every again.


  6. First Rule of Feminism: they don't want it, they just don't want men to have it.

    Hence why the infiltration of Grrrl Powah female managers has led to no end of rules for the men, but no start of anything that will make it easier to pull people out of the sea.

    Meanwhile, the real question: is it just me or do all current & retired senior members of the Royal Navy look like gay cruise ship entertainers who spend their nights on board drunkenly trying to seduce naive young Indian waiters?

  7. DJ - you are not wrong as evidenced by the front page on the internal intranet being more occupied with LGBT and the fact that you can get a duty trip to get to London Pride but have to pay your own way to go to the November Ceremonies.

  8. No more money from me. When the donations dry up completely the Government will step in and that will be the end of the RNLI. Does anyone else remember the uniformed plods who couldn't jump into knee deep water to save someone from drowning? That's what we'll end up with. I'm considering emigrating, Russia looks good, or perhaps Hungary.

  9. Nope.

    No more cash from me now.

    I bet the families from Rye Harbour would be somewhat enraged by this ridiculous situation.

    'Bye RNLI.

  10. "It's a shame they have taken this ridiculously intolerant path, as they were a decent charity..."

    All of them, when they get to a certain size, take this path. Without exception.

    "1. The female image is mot naked. There appears to he some form of lower clothing."

    That's not the actual mug, apparently. Just an image gtrom the photobank.

    "All paid staff should be made to go on a rescue mission on a rough sea once a year as a condition of their employment so that they might fully understand what is involved."

    What an awesome idea!

    "I got bad vibes when the new swanky offices in Poole were being built."

    Just like the RSPCA HQ, then...? :(

  11. "First Rule of Feminism: they don't want it, they just don't want men to have it. "

    'Bitch in the manger' syndrome...? Yes, I think you're right.

    "... the front page on the internal intranet being more occupied with LGBT and the fact that you can get a duty trip to get to London Pride but have to pay your own way to go to the November Ceremonies."

    FFS! :/

    "When the donations dry up completely the Government will step in and that will be the end of the RNLI."

    I think it's already dead, these are just nerves twitching.

    "No more cash from me now."

    It's hard, because without these volunteers, lives will be lost. Perhaps a rival charity needs to come to the fore?

  12. I followed a couple of these stories back to "Linked in", whereon I found the following excellent use of charity money:

    Paul Boissier - CEO at RNLI.. OK, it needs a boss, but at what cost?
    Glen Mallen - Lifesaving Manager at RNLI
    Darren Lewis - Lifesaving Manager at RNLI.. I wonder how many more?
    Jon Middleton - Project Manager at RNLI.. ditto
    Alex Poole - International Programmes Coordinator at RNLI.. WTF!?
    Justine Moorhouse - Head of Lean Transformation and Continuous Improvement at RNLI.. WTF!^2
    Sue Barnes - People and Transformation Director at RNLI.. WTF!^3
    Shelly Pearce - Insight Analyst at RNLI.. WTF!^4

    Without wishing to appear too sexist, it looks like the influx of girlies has nabbed all the incomprehensibly-titled non-jobs.

    As a recreational (now ex-) offshore-sailor I have always supported the RNLI... Not another penny I'm afraid if it's going to pay "managers" and not maintain lifeboats!

    Baron Jackfield.

  13. "Without wishing to appear too sexist, it looks like the influx of girlies has nabbed all the incomprehensibly-titled non-jobs."

    I doubt the men on that list are any more butch..!
