Friday 4 May 2018

Useless, Beleaguered, Beset By Scandal And Resignations...

...and yet the Tories are still more palatable than Calamity Corbyn's mob: chiefs will face an inquest into why Labour is not making progress in crucial swing seats against an ailing Tory government.
Everyone already knows why, don't they?

It's almost like the Tories didn't even need to try. And indeed, some of them didn't!

The tears of the crushed enemies are sweet, as I drink them to the sound of the lamentations of their women:

Oh, Twitter is going to be delicious this morning!


  1. I think the Tories possibly do better when they send out 'Add information here' leaflets.

  2. Labour failed to make the gains they hoped for because people voted for the least worst party. Either self-righteous twats who run down the military and Police, deport legal immigrants who have supported this country for decades while refusing to deport illegal parasites and terrorists, get involved in foreign wars which lead to more chaos and destruction, and can't maintain the roads, or self-righteous twats who want more anti-Semitic, non-contributing, immigrants to be allowed in, can't maintain the roads, and supports socialist policies that have been responsible for over 120 million deaths in the 20th century. It was a tough choice.

  3. I know of no-one who actually votes for a party other than those who support UKIP or the Greens. Everyone else seems to vote for the lesser of the evils.

  4. Mmm, looks like my mummy's toy box. With Buzz and Woody.

  5. "I think the Tories possibly do better when they send out 'Add information here' leaflets."

    They need to stop being complacent. If the Labour Party finally wakes up and ditches Calamity Corbyn, they'll be in big trouble.

    "...because people voted for the least worst party."

    It seems that's the best one can hope for these days.

    "Everyone else seems to vote for the lesser of the evils."

    Indeed. You're still left with evil, mind.
