Tuesday 12 May 2020

The Rule Of Law Means Nothing Anymore...

Travellers turned out in huge numbers to attend a funeral in defiance of social distancing measures designed to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Oooh, they are in trouble now! The fearless police officers who so bravely deal with those daring to sit on park benches while on their daily exercise will swing into action and...


Crowds began to gather at the cemetery in Thornaby, North Yorkshire, from around 9am and so many people came to pay respects that the ceremony planned for 1pm was delayed by 40 minutes, with police watching over the event from afar.
This is not the first instance of mourners breaking lockdown rules to conduct funerals after travellers in Bedfordshire seized the body of a deceased friend and carried out their own ceremony in April.
!!! How come this didn't make the news?!
The group reportedly threatened to burn down the morgue if the body of the deceased was not returned to them so they could bury him.
Isn't the threat of arson a crime? Has anyone had their collar felt?

You know, it wouldn't surprise me if the police would stand and watch the flames 'from afar', too...
And on Tuesday another group packed into Oxbridge Cemetery in Stockton, with police also keeping an eye on the gathering.
I give up.


  1. It's their culcher, innit? The fuzz, I mean: always ready to operate a revenue camera by the roadside,keeping their heads down when it suits.

  2. And plod did nothing but wait...you can't have it all ways, JuliaM.

    Here in Huddersfield, the filth are doing a sterling job for Rishi Sunak. It's mostly about issuing fines to grannies who dared to sit on the council's park benches. Well, at least the lame and defenceless variety. And those middle class, middle-aged, white males speeding at 31 mph...are plod-toast when they dare to venture out for essentials.

    'Their' has to be a way of clawing back lost £Billions into the Treasury coffers. It makes fiscal sense to pick on honest folk who are still in the black (excusing the naughty word).

    West Yorks police maintain a special relationship with 'Travellers' here. The former provide the latter with a helpful list of cash machines in the area; addresses where posh transport and lawn mowers are in use and seven weeks notice of 'there' intention to visit illegal encampments.

  3. The travelling "community" and other apparently protected communities eg mosque-attending Britons, XR demonstrators etc, pose problems to the police because these communities will resist - en masse and probably violently - any attempt at law enforcement by the police. It's not a question of a lone policeman turning up and warning any miscreants that they are breaking the law and must disperse. A policeman would be taking his own life in his hands by attempting such a thing.

    So what to do? Common Purpose trained senior police officials would recommend leaving well alone. After all, in this case, the funeral only lasted a matter of hours: who and what were really harmed (except the rule of law and the threatened mortuary workers) by doing nothing? Also, the expense of marshalling sufficient police at short notice to deal with this outbreak of lawlessness is, I'm sure, considered prohibitive when there is all that hate-crime out there to be recorded and . . er . . reported on twitter.

    Unfortunately JuliaM we've lost "our" police - it's now "their" police - and by "their" I mean those who actually run this country. And who runs the country or in whose interests is the country being run? All you need do is look at who is exempt - or authorises the exemption - from day-to-day (or even year to year) police oversight.

  4. If the police can't control travellers maybe the virus can. It's a bit like knife crime in London - the majority of it is black gangs on black gangs - surely a win/win situation.

    1. Unfortunately the virus isn't anywhere as nasty as it is cracked up to be. It can be very serious and is definitely several degrees worse than the usual round of winter flu. Unfortunately it is nowhere near powerful enough to deliver poetic justice to those who ignore the rather ill thought out laws designed to contain it

  5. Have you seen the police force these days? All midget women and fat unfit men. They know they'd get their arses handed to them by a bunch of hard nut pikeys, or a mass gathering of 'diverse' elements. Thats why they hide behind 'public order' - they're all sh*t scared. If it was a mass gathering of WI members they'd have been in their with their batons, acting all tough. Bullies the lot of them, only prepared to act tough against anyone who won't fight back.

  6. Quite understandable really, after all these travellers pay huge amounts in council tax and that helps to support the Police. Oh sorry that will be people like me the poor bloody settled community who also pay thousands for the clean ups after the travellers move on. I feel more and more angry and alienated from our Police as time goes on, ever more money for ever less policing and ever more bullshit.

  7. "fat unfit men"

    Like the one with a squeaky voice in the Haribo advert?

  8. Is it the case that what these protected minorities have is a kind of union? Travellers and Islamists, for example, are above the law because they stick together in numbers large enough to make them impossible to police. It seems that what is needed is a "Generally law abiding but fed up with being pushed around and treated like second class citizens union" Legal support would be the obvious thing for said union to provide. But in the current climate, copying the aforementioned groups' methods of making the police too scared to act would yield quicker results.

  9. "Like the one with a squeaky voice in the Haribo advert?"

    I'd never seen that ad until I googled it just now, but yes. And the fat little chap I know of who is in the police. I doubt there's much fast moving when he's on duty apart from the speed the donuts disappear down his throat.

    Its not in the UK but there was a great video of a 'diverse' member of the 'community' somewhere (possibly Canada) trashing a police car with rocks while the female officer in charge of it ran away round the other side of the car to avoid him, until some police MEN turned up to apprehend him.

    Edit: here it is, it was Toronto:


  10. Our 'quaint' gypo brethren have always operated outside the law. Perhaps this why they don't feel the need to pay taxes. Maybe they will all catch a highly virulent form of COVID-19 and expire to a man, woman, and child. That would be sad as I'm sure the locals will miss the cultural enrichment 'gypo folk' bring to the community.

  11. "It's mostly about issuing fines to grannies who dared to sit on the council's park benches."

    Low-hanging fruit is the tastiest...

    "...pose problems to the police because these communities will resist - en masse and probably violently - any attempt at law enforcement ..."

    Maybe it's about time others started adopting the same tactics...

    "Have you seen the police force these days? All midget women and fat unfit men."

    Sadly, getting truer every day...

    "...while the female officer in charge of it ran away round the other side of the car ..."


    "That would be sad..."

    Unfortunately, as Stonyground points out, the virus is only slightly more efficient than our police farce,
