Tuesday 12 May 2020

This Is Utter Insanity!

An unprecedented family reunion rescue flight is due to leave Athens...
Hurrah! Bringing back holidaymakers stranded by closedown, one presumes?
...bringing 52 vulnerable migrants, including several minors, to join family in the UK.
The flight on Monday is the result of intense efforts by refugee families in the UK with the support of campaign group Safe Passage and the peer Alf Dubs. It was organised with collaboration from the UK and Greek governments after direct flights between Greece and the UK were suspended in March.
'Collaboration' being unwittingly the correct term here.
Those on the flight include people from Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan. Safe Passage told the Guardian that many have experienced severe ill-health and all have been in Greece for several months and in some cases years.
I guess that 'don't overburden our precious NHS!' message got lost somewhere in translation...


  1. Was there no bright spark civil servant (yes I know - contradiction in terms) to suggest that the reunions should take place in Greece and that the newly reunited families could enjoy there the benefits of future Greek/EU generous hospitality (and funding)? Transporting the UK-based families to Athens would allow the Greeks/EU to take the strain (and expense) of dealing with this . . er . . problem.

    Since Dubs is involved the implication and the selling point to the British public of the whole episode is that these immigrants face a similar danger to that posed to pre-WW2 Jewish children in Europe. Of course, such an implication is entirely false. I don't doubt that the future of these "children" would not, without the generosity of UK taxpayers, be enviable. However, they are not in danger of being murdered (except by their own).

  2. Dubs, and his experience as a Kindertransport child is either being exploited by groups such as Citzens UK and their offshoot Safe Passage or he is knowingly conning the British public into letting these unwanted and potentially burdensome and dangerous migrants in? Either way he's a wrong un. For more information on Citizens UK please see this post of mine: https://www.fahrenheit211.net/2017/02/15/citizens-uk-working-against-the-real-british-common-good-working-against-the-rest-of-us/

  3. Truly unbelievable, we are indebted to the author of this blog for pointing out such things. Does this sort of thing mean we can spend a bit less on foreign aid I wonder?

  4. But...but... I thought chain migration was a right wing myth.

    How long until these 'vulnerable minors' - no, don't ask for details, just accept it - find that they've accidentally left their siblings behind.... who've left spouses behind... who've left parents behind...

    And so on, but the MSM thinks we're too stupid to notice all this.

  5. Alf Dubs will be deaf to anyone's complaints ...

  6. I wonder how long it will be before one of these 'vulnerable child refugees' end up like one of them did and 'doing a Parson's Green ' and carrying out a jihad attack?

  7. "... suggest that the reunions should take place in Greece..."

    I'd happily fork out the air fare for that!

    "...either being exploited by groups such as Citzens UK and their offshoot Safe Passage or he is knowingly conning the British public i..."

    I'm voting for the latter.

    "And so on, but the MSM thinks we're too stupid to notice all this."

    And with a lot of the population, it's a safe bet...

    "I wonder how long it will be before one of these 'vulnerable child refugees' end up like one of them did and 'doing a Parson's Green ' and carrying out a jihad attack?"

    If it happens you can bet the MSM will do all they can to cover it up.
