Tuesday 20 October 2020

Bet You All Wish Your Job Was This Exciting...

...I know I do!

The Zoom call was reportedly an 'election simulation', involving many of the magazine's biggest stars including Jane Mayer, Evan Osnos, Jelani Cobb and Sue Halpern.

I guess he misread it. 


  1. It's always been purely instinctive on my part...but any excuse will do to avoid a handshake from a lawyer.

  2. Aren't all politicians tossers?

  3. All he is guilty of is loving himself, a little too much really.

  4. Wow I didn't realize that US politics was so exciting, CNN and Fox need for me from now on :-)

  5. "..but any excuse will do to avoid a handshake from a lawyer."


    "Aren't all politicians tossers?"

    Well, I didn't like to say...

    "Wow I didn't realize that US politics was so exciting..."

    It has been for the last four years...
