Tuesday 20 October 2020

Why Is Professional Standards Not Closing This Account Down?

Yesterday, the GMP showed their utter ignorance of the basics of their job for all the world to see: 

This was left up despite being no different to their infamous Tweet about requiring 'proof' of exemption, which they were clearly ordered to delete. Being also ignorant of something called 'screenshotting':

With this attitude from the so-called 'law enforcers' is it really any wonder that we are seeing a rise in incidents such as this one, or this one

And why all the hysteria over salty language when basic ignorance of the law you're employed to uphold is allowed to be put on display for all to see?


  1. Apart from them being ignorant of the laws that they are enforcing it is annoying how dedicated to their job they are when they get to bully ordinary folk about. In contrast to the rest of the time when they can't be arsed.

  2. Liars, bigots and foul-mouthed scum.

    You would certainly feel at home in 'there' company, WC Jaded.

  3. Any PC who does twitter is an idiot in my opinion. Doing it to impress bosses and to enhance promotion prospects.

  4. It won't actually be Police officers who send out these tweets on behalf of the force, but Police staff, probably with qualifications in meeja studies. These people infest the majority of Police forces, Fire and Rescue, Ambulance services, and the military, sucking from the taxpayer's teat, yet as useful as a chocolate lifeguard. And once they're in, you can't get rid of them.

  5. It won't actually be Police officers...(coughs).

    And if you will indulge me in an equally implausible explanation...the dog ate my homework, Miss.

  6. "...it is annoying how dedicated to their job they are when they get to bully ordinary folk about. "

    They prove that time and time again, don't they?

    "It won't actually be Police officers who send out these tweets on behalf of the force, but Police staff, probably with qualifications in meeja studies. "

    Doesn't anyone ever think 'Maybe this isn't the image we want to portray?' then?
