Wednesday 14 April 2021

An Expensive Farce...

Abedi, who conspired with his brother Salman over the bomb attack in 2017, entered a not guilty plea to assaulting Paul Edwards at Belmarsh prison in south-east London.
He also denied a charge of assaulting a second member of staff named Nick Barnett, during the 15-minute hearing.

You'd think this would be a bit difficult, given the plethora of recording devices in prisons, wouldn't you? Well, read on! 

Asked to enter a plea to the first charge on Thursday, Abedi, wearing a black, green and white zip-up jacket and with his hair grown out, told Westminster Magistrates' Court: 'I did assault that filthy pig, but I don't see any harm in doing that.'
Appearing on his 24th birthday via video link from HMP Frankland in County Durham, he added: 'This is my plea.'

Truly, a man who represents himself has a fool for a client! 

Asked to enter a plea on the second charge, Abedi said: 'Same as before. I don't see any wrongdoing.'
Chief magistrate Paul Goldspring formally recorded not guilty pleas.

Wait, what? Why are we even wasting time and taxpayer money on this?! 


  1. "entered a not guilty plea to assaulting......."

    Says : "'I did assault that filthy pig,..."

    How is that not a confession of guilt ?
    "Chief magistrate Paul Goldspring formally recorded not guilty pleas"

    Black is now white and white is Black
    I really cant take much more of this crap, I think I am slowly going insane" Maybe thats the intent.

  2. I object in the strongest possible terms to the fact that these vile fuckers are not dead already, and buried in a mound of pigshit.

  3. @Anon (09:59)

    Be better if it were the other way round - buried in a mound of pigshit until dead.

  4. These filthy,detestable Orcs were supposed to be kept under a high security regime. Sadly it seems that it was not secure enough to stop these savages assaulting prison officers. In a just system the savage who played a part in the Manchester Arena bombing should have faced a death sentence and probably would have done in the past.

  5. "How is that not a confession of guilt ?"


    "Be better if it were the other way round - buried in a mound of pigshit until dead."


    "... supposed to be kept under a high security regime."

    We need to stop trying to take them alive. It's not worth the risk.
