Tuesday 13 April 2021

"And bad mistakes, I've made a few..."

We've all been there; just the other day, serving up sushi, I reached for the bottle of soy sauce and so very nearly poured out Worcestershire sauce into the dipping bowl.

And now the usual suspects have a new BabySeal™ to demand justice riot and steal trainers and HD TVs over...

How could the police do this to an innocent young man!


And now the usual suspects are once again making this all about race, because of course Officer Karen wouldn't have pulled the wrong weapon if it had been a white or Mexican or Hindu man with open warrants resisting arrest and trying to flee in his deadly wheeled weapon...

Looks like it's time for this again:



  1. All this plus with Joe Biden aiming to gut the Second Amendment isn't this sort of enforcement of firearms laws exactly what the Demonrats want more of?

  2. Make it more like Britain then DJ, where the criminals have guns and decent law abiding people have no means of equalising the odds for defending themselves when criminals attack.

  3. "...isn't this sort of enforcement of firearms laws exactly what the Demonrats want more of?"

    For other people. Not for themselves. Never for themselves, or their neighbourhoods.

    "...where the criminals have guns and decent law abiding people have no means of equalising the odds for defending themselves when criminals attack."

    As we saw in Norfolk recently, guns aren't required to defend oneself, citizen...
