Tuesday 13 April 2021

"Don't Say We Aren't Doing Anything, We've Given Her A Crime Number..."

"The dog owner made no attempt to help, offered no apology and left my pensioner mum partially-conscious on the floor with the body of her dear little dog beside her.
"My poor elderly mum had to carry Roxy back to her house in a distraught state."
"My mum was taken to the hospital for treatment for concussion. She is still traumatised and suffering from flashbacks."

Typical breed attacker, typical breed owner.   

Heartbroken Ms Martin is appealing for anyone who was in the area at the time who has a dashcam, Ring doorbell or CCTV, or who knows the man, to contact the police, quoting reference 24/02/32.

Wait, why is she having to appeal for this? What are all the people employed by Kent Police to run their media doing? Why aren't they publicising a dangerous dog attack?


  1. The same police force that so obviously cannot be arsed to find the assailant and their dog in this case and who has fobbed the victim off with a crime number, is also the same police force that waxes lyrical about their diversity and inclusion unit. https://www.kent.police.uk/police-forces/kent-police/areas/kent-police/about-us/about-us/diversity-and-inclusion/ I have little doubt that Kent Police would not be as lazy or as scum like as they've behaved to this elderly lady had the complainant been a minority whining about hurty words on Twitter or being looked at 'in a funny way'. In that case I suspect that Kent police would suddenly be less than lazy and useless than they have been in this case.

  2. Don't worry, Ms Martin. WC Jaded will be on this urgent case just as soon as she has finished taken her sicky allowance for this month and completed the necessary paperwork for her latest 'compo' claim.

  3. I'm busy Melvin cutting my grass.

  4. "...also the same police force that waxes lyrical about their diversity and inclusion unit..."

    Good grief, the amount of wasted money and resource!😡
