Friday 4 June 2021

A Conclusion Of The Foregone Kind, I Presume?

Conor Mitchell, 26, who was from the Bingley area but more recently living in Skipton, suffered a catastrophic brain injury when his car smashed into a wall on Skipton Road, Utley, in the early hours of February 20 last year.

Well, doesn't sound like he used it much...

Can we count this a Darwin? 

The young dad was taken to Leeds General Infirmary (LGI), but died later that day.

Oh. Pity. 

The inquest will resume this morning when the coroner is expected to record her conclusion.

It shouldn't take her long. 


  1. Has he ever upset Hillary Clinton at any time?

  2. "Has he ever upset Hillary Clinton at any time?"


  3. I wonder if the word 'Covid' will appear somewhere on the death certificate?
