Saturday 5 June 2021

Tell Us Again How 'Overworked' You Are...

A police investigation has been launched after a pick-up truck was spotted with a​...
Broken rear light? Non-working indicator? Dangerous unstable load? 

Nah, can't be. I see so many of those around, no police taking the slightest bit of notice. Must be something really hazardous to other motorists...
...'vile' image of a kidnapped woman on its tail gate.
Motorists did a double take and were horrified to see the artwork portraying an apparently abducted blonde woman lying down while tied up in the rear of the vehicle.
The vehicle was reported to police after being spotted at traffic lights on the junction of the A47 and A146 roads at Trowse, near Norwich, Norfolk.

Christ, just imagine the sad lives that must be lead by people who'd report this to police rather than just saying 'Ugh! Wouldn't have that on my car!' and going about their business... 

Why don't the police tell them it's nothing they need to take any action on as it's not a traffic offence to have artwork some snowflake doesn't like on their vehicle?

Norfolk Police say the incident is being investigated as a potential hate crime.

Gordon! Come deal with this appropriately, will you? 


  1. But the Mail didn't report how the police initially went after the woman who sprayed the tail gate with pink lipstick:

    "I then went out and sprayed on the back of the van and a few days later had a letter from the police asking me to call them due to criminal damage."

  2. I can readily envisage that particular scene...every available plod car flying out of the woodwork; blues and twos blaring out whilst ferrying not-too-sharp, heavyweight plod, fervently practising 'there' tongue-twister 'you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence'.

  3. I remember the fad for fake arms protruding from car boots. Time to drag them down from the loft.

  4. I'm old enough to remember Esso giving away fake tiger-tails to hang off the fuel-cap when you've 'put a tiger in your tank'. Bet the World Wildlife Fund and Carrie Symonds-Johnson would love that.

  5. "But the Mail didn't report how the police initially went after the woman who sprayed the tail gate with pink lipstick.."

    As indeed they should have done. That's vandalism.

    "I remember the fad for fake arms protruding from car boots. "

    Me too!

    "I'm old enough to remember Esso giving away fake tiger-tails to hang off the fuel-cap..."

    Errr, I read about it.. ;)
