Monday 28 June 2021

And Whose Fault Is This?

A headmaster has warned that teachers are becoming 'incredibly anxious' of being pounced on by pupils over micro-aggressions.
Nicholas Hewlett, head of St Dunstan's College private school in southeast London, said staff were worried by a 'righteous generation' of children who were looking for their teachers to 'trip up' on even 'small, persistent slights'.

Because I'm sure it's actually yours, and those of your fellow teachers who have instilled this in their pupils by pandering to their every whim instead of buckling down and teaching. Like you're paid to do.  

Mr Hewlett made headlines earlier this year when he announced he was 'happily gay and in a same-sex relationship' during a school assembly.

See? What possible reason would you have for this announcement? What business is it of the pupils how you conduct your private life? 

The school leader also recently appeared in a webinar he titled 'Woke Independent Schools - Why are we so afraid?' that looked out how debate over cultural issues had changed between the 1980s and today.

I guess now you know why. And whose fault it is.  


  1. Crikey! It's a modern day 'Dr Faust'. These people thought selling out to the Wokesters would allow them to 'move on' from dullsville traditional standards with the emphasis on teaching stuff and actual achievement, and instead reinvent themselves as the Harry & Meghans of education. Instead, they found - as so many have before - you can never be woke enough.

  2. I am sure the parents are delighted.
    At least the ones far enough up the social and financial scale not to worry about their little darlings making a living. But then again there is always the BBC.
    The rest, not so much.

  3. Don’t even get me started on this one.

  4. "Crikey! It's a modern day 'Dr Faust'. "


    "I am sure the parents are delighted. At least the ones far enough up the social and financial scale not to worry about their little darlings making a living."

    Good point!

    "Don’t even get me started on this one."

    I won't... 😉
