Monday 28 June 2021

Strange Headline...

Should Uber Eats people not be subject to arrest when working if it's warranted? Black or otherwise?

Levi Scott, 25, from Sydenham, was setting off from Morleys, on Deptford High Street, to complete the final job of his 12-hour shift on Saturday, June 19, when he was approached by two officers who said they had seen him cycling on the pavement.

So, apologise and you'll be on your way, won't you? 

After he began filming the interaction, Levi claims his phone was slapped out of his hand, before he was wrestled to the ground, pinned, and handcuffed by four officers.
Levi, who works full-time for Uber Eats, believes he was targeted because of his race.

Sure he was, thet's the only conclusion to draw, isn't it? 

Levi is lodging an official complaint with the Met, alleging officers profiled him.

As a black man, or a cyclist? 

The Met's Directorate of Professional Standards, which reviewed officers' body-cam footage, did not identify any concerns with their conduct.

I can't be bothered to watch the video, so what do those who have say about it? 




  1. The strange thing is that he was working ...

  2. Strange - and very disturbing in its implications, especially given the absence of quotation marks around ‘forcefully arrested’; I wonder, is the evident bias conscious or unconscious?

    I also wonder whether the word ‘black’ would have appeared in the relevant headline had Scott - or ‘Levi’, as the reporter chummily designates him - run down and injured a pedestrian while cycling on the pavement.

  3. He was targeted because he was doing something he shouldn't have been doing. Instead of going all George Floyd, he should have accepted the situation, apologised, and got on with his job. You don't get arrested and handcuffed for riding a bike on the pavement and, if it took 4 officers to pin him down to handcuff him, it was because of his behaviour.However, being black means never apologise and always be confrontational because, reasons.

  4. I'm watching some of the tennis today. So, you know how the British like to root for the underdog? There have been a couple of matches today one in the men's and one in the ladies' tennis where there has been an upset and one of the top players has gone out to a lesser player. The lesser player has, in both cases had noisy support from the audience. What is confusing me is that in both cases the underdog was black and the British are all horribly racist, so I've been told. So what the hell is going on?

  5. "The strange thing is that he was working ..."


    "I also wonder whether the word ‘black’ would have appeared in the relevant headline had Scott - or ‘Levi’, as the reporter chummily designates him - run down and injured a pedestrian while cycling on the pavement."

    Oh, I think we know the answer to that!

    "He was targeted because he was doing something he shouldn't have been doing. Instead of going all George Floyd..."

    But that's now considered a 'get out of trouble free' card thanks to the authorities now running scared of the Race Card. Even more so than before.

    "The lesser player has, in both cases had noisy support from the audience. What is confusing me is that in both cases the underdog was black and the British are all horribly racist, so I've been told. So what the hell is going on?"

    It's a mystery! Could the campaigners be wrong? No! Surely not...
