Sunday 27 June 2021

Hey, Amazon, Don't You Sell Spellcheckers?

 You should buy one!


  1. There's quite a din in our kitchen at times!

  2. The standard of schools has fallen so far that it’s becoming true, school leavers today are semiliterate. I employed several school leavers once, it was embarrassing having to teach them very basic math and English. It must be bad to have even remedial classes in English and math for university new intakes. When I attended school many years ago, there was only one boy who couldn’t read or write, dyslexia wasn’t a thing then. Now there are a great many, are they all dyslexic or dull and stupid? I don’t think so but they all have one thing in common, they are all badly taught.

  3. Spelling and grammar are elitist

  4. I, was at a comprehensive school in the 1970s and there were kids who couldn't read aloud fluently. There would be several seconds pause in between each word and any word with more than two syllables would need a prompt from the teacher.

  5. "There's quite a din in our kitchen at times!"


    "The standard of schools has fallen so far that it’s becoming true, school leavers today are semiliterate."

    If the standard of signwriting is anything to go by, yes...

    "I, was at a comprehensive school in the 1970s and there were kids who couldn't read aloud fluently."

    I think they've always been with us, but a small percentage of the population. However, it seems to be growing...
