Monday 21 June 2021

Happy Non-Nominative Parent Figure Day...

Karla said: 'When I picked her up in the afternoon, I had no idea they were doing Father's Day cards, she just came out with it.
'When I looked at it and it said Happy Special's Day, it angered me.
'I was told [by the nursery] that it was not fair for children without dads to make Father's Day cards. Last year she did a Father's Day card, what's new this year?'

What's new is probably the nursery deciding that they were missing out on all that wonderful praise for virtue signalling... 

'For Mother's Day, I got a card which had photos of her inside it and it said clearly on it 'Happy Mother's Day'. A big fuss was made of it.'

There's a lot less chance of a child not having a mother than a father, I suppose. Or they didn't want to incur the wrath of Mumsnet.

Still, no-one could possibly think that this was OK? 

One social media user said: 'I'm saddened by how many people on this thread lack the compassion or imagination to understand what it must be like to be a child without a father when everyone is celebrating their dads.
'This isn't the only way to deal with Father's Day - and certainly the same approach could be taken with Mother's Day.
'But to be so dismissive or angry at teachers trying to be considerate and inclusive of children seems bizarre to me.'

Oh, maybe they could. 


  1. Do these cretins think no male was involved in the conception?
    Perhaps all these magical children should be named Joshua?

    So I suggest the day is renamed "Sperm Donor's Day"

  2. Thankfully my own child's school still promotes both Mothers Day and Fathers Day. This is appalling propagansiding virtue signalling on the part of the school who plucked the concept of 'Specials' Day out of their arses.

    Yes of course it is right to be sensitive to those children who may have lost their father through illness or accident or those who have abandoned by their fathers,but this sort of crap goes too far. There is a big difference between being sensitive to a child and unnecessarily shielding them from reality which is what I believe is going on here.

  3. I suppose that if you call the priest 'Father' then you could also be confused, especially if the bastard has molested you, as seems to be the norm in the Emerald Isle.

  4. Seems to me that the nursery is damned either way. If they hadn't have tried to find a way for the fatherless child to join in they would have been condemned for that instead.

  5. It is all a manufactured con anyway. Just to sell Cards, and cheap gifts, and mealw, etc. etc.
    If they could they would have Granny's Day or even better a Maternal Granny's Day and a Paternal Granny's Day. Ditto Grandpa, Sister, Brother, Uncle, Aunt, Cousin, MBFF Day, Step Father's Day, Mum's Special Friend Day, etc.
    All nicely spaced out through the year with Halloween, St Valentines Day, Christmas,

  6. If teachers concentrated more on teaching instead of consuming previous classroom time on craft-related time wasting this difference of opinion would not have occurred.

    We are constantly hearing about the amount of time lost to teaching during the pandemic, surely it’s now time to focus on core teaching topics.

  7. Single mother here: I proudly received my children’s Father’s Day cards(still do) as I was doing his job too. Kept them, safe, fed and self disciplined.

  8. "Do these cretins think no male was involved in the conception?"

    Who knows what - or even if - they think?

    "Yes of course it is right to be sensitive to those children who may have lost their father through illness or accident or those who have abandoned by their fathers,but this sort of crap goes too far."

    They can never stop, they always have to take it too far. They'd be their own worst enemy, if not for me. 😉

    "Seems to me that the nursery is damned either way. If they hadn't have tried to find a way for the fatherless child to join in they would have been condemned for that instead."

    But would that have generated the same approbation? I think not.

    "If teachers concentrated more on teaching instead of consuming previous classroom time on craft-related time wasting this difference of opinion would not have occurred."

    Hence why businesses are arranging remedial lessons for new staff!

    "I proudly received my children’s Father’s Day cards(still do) as I was doing his job too. Kept them, safe, fed and self disciplined."

    Damn good point!
