Monday 21 June 2021

If You Don't Like The Views Of A Senior Politician On Anti-Semitism...

Sir Keir Starmer is heading for a by-election defeat that could end his leadership amid claims his tough stance on antisemitism has cost him the trust of Muslim voters.
...then kindly fuck off out of this country and go and live in one that suits you better. You won't be missed.
He faces a bitter backlash from Muslim communities in Labour-held Batley and Spen, with even his wife Victoria's Jewish heritage apparently being cited as one reason not to vote Labour.

Well, Kier, I hope you've learned a lesson from this. That lesson being if you court the votes of repellent people, you find that you're beholden to them as a result. And that having them in the party is a mistake.

Oh. I see you haven't


  1. "... having them in the party is a mistake..."

    Having them in the country is a mistake. Thanks to Blair, Straw, inter alia, who wanted "To rub the right's nose in diversity".

  2. This revelation from the streets of Batley and Spen tell us less about the Labour Party and a whole lot more about the character of the Muslim community in that constituency.

    That these Muslims hate Starmer not for his politics or his policy but because he has a Jewish wife and that he has done something to curtail the Jew hatred of some on the Labour Left, does as you say tell us that they are unfit to be here.

    If they are hating on Starmer and the party because of Starmer's wife or because the Party doesn't hate Jews to their satisfaction then it's probably for the best that these particular Muslims find a place more suitable for them. There are plenty of places around the world, mostly Islamic nations to be quite frank, where the views on Jews is little different from those held by the uni-testicled Austrian corporal, places like Pakistan, Gaza, Syria etc, that might be more to these particular Muslim's tastes.

  3. As the saying goes, the problem with riding a tiger is that once you get on, you can't get off again.

  4. Labour deserve to get thrashed at this by-election solely for the reason that they parachuted the sister of the murdered MP to stand there. Cynical and disgusting. Hopefully this stunt will back-fire on them on a grand scale.

  5. The problem with the Muslim vote is that it isn't a population of individual votes, it is dealt in blocks via the corrupt Postal Vote system. Smart operators, like George Galloway, understand that you only need to say the right things to collect large dumps of ballots in your favour. The Labour Party has traditionally optimised this but, once it tried to ride two horses, it fell off.

    Like Diane Abbott, Kier Starmer doesn't to maths - the Jewish vote in the UK adds up to no more than 250,000, generally spread around constituencies and available in single units. The Muslim vote is around 5 million, concentrated in relatively few seats and available in large blocks for little effort. A smart politician works with those facts.

  6. Jaded, you are correct. Labour deserve to lose for such a cynical and exploitative act alone.

  7. It gets better.. there was a story yesterday that the Labour candidate is a carpet muncher and the peaceful tolerant Muslim leaders are now telling their followers not to vote for her for that reason.
    How does Starmer look his Jewish wife in the face at night after sucking up to these vermin ?

  8. "Having them in the country is a mistake."

    Sadly, one we can now never row back from.

    "There are plenty of places around the world, mostly Islamic nations to be quite frank, where the views on Jews is little different from those held by the uni-testicled Austrian corporal///"

    So there must be something else keeping them here, in a country so unsuited to their views. I wonder what it is?

    "...the problem with riding a tiger is that once you get on, you can't get off again..."

    Well, you can. But only once, and not for long.

    "Labour deserve to get thrashed at this by-election solely for the reason that they parachuted the sister of the murdered MP to stand there. "

    And now those that cheered milkshakes being thrown on Farage are crying foul when she's shouted at in the street.

    "Smart operators, like George Galloway..."

    He's very smart. Smarter than Labour.

    "...and the peaceful tolerant Muslim leaders are now telling their followers not to vote for her for that reason."

    *orders another pantechnicon of popcorn*
