Saturday 26 June 2021

"I'm From The Government And I'm Here To Help..." Pt 47825

Tough new restrictions on keeping monkeys as pets could see rescue centres swamped and the alarming possibility of animals being put down, experts warned last night.

But surely the government took this into account when they proposed the legislation? 

Their concerns come as a senior Government source admitted that officials have yet to work out how to deal with primates confiscated under legislation aimed at ending the 'immense suffering' caused by the domestic monkey trade.
I guess Carrie and her cat's paw feel the details are for the little people to worry about... 

Still, we can't be talking about many animals, can we?
There are thought to be about 5,000 marmosets, tamarins, capuchins, squirrel monkeys, lemurs and other species being kept as pets in the UK.


A Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs spokesman declined to comment on what would happen to confiscated monkeys, but said: 'It is important we take action to prevent the suffering caused when they are kept as pets.'

By killing them. Say, did you used to work for the NHS, spokesman? 


  1. In Parliament there are at least 650 monkeys in the Commons, and a lot in the Lords, although they don't always attend.

    They include gorillas and chimps.

  2. Nanny State strikes again. Why don't the just prosecute those that are ill treating them? Nope. Every law abiding person has to suffer because these insufferable people have to stick their noses into everything.

    We need a cull all right. Just not the monkeys.

    When society collapses as it will then I for one will shed no tears when these people get turned on.

  3. I thought that keeping primates as pets had been illegal for a long time now. Years ago my, now grown up, daughter used to love the TV show about the Monkey World primate rescue centre in Dorset. I can remember them rescuing monkeys from unsuitable cages in people's back yards back then.

  4. "In Parliament there are at least 650 monkeys in the Commons..."

    If only we could get away with paying them peanuts!

    "Nanny State strikes again. Why don't the just prosecute those that are ill treating them?"

    Too much like hard work.

    "I thought that keeping primates as pets had been illegal for a long time now. "

    No, they've always been available. I visited Monkey World a few years ago, they did great work there.
