Friday 25 June 2021

Should've Done It Via The Medium Of Rap, Mr Collins...

A geography teacher is being investigated after using the N-word to demonstrate to pupils the pitfalls of pronouncing Niger, the West African country.
They wouldn't have been able to touch you then.
One pupil is said to have walked out of the lesson last week at Chestnut Grove Academy in Balham, South-West London, in disgust. Mr Collins, described as highly regarded and conscientious, later apologised to the class.

For what? The student in question should have faced detention. But no doubt he or she didn't.  

But the matter then escalated as teachers, parents and other students complained, with some apparently not realising the context in which the word was used.

Or not caring, so long as they have a chance to get their outrage on? 

In a letter to parents, headteacher Christian Kingsley admitted that ‘a member of staff used racist language in a Year 9 lesson’ and promised to ‘robustly’ investigate the matter, adding: ‘The language was not directed at a student. However, we understand that students and their families have, justifiably, taken great offence to this and that there was no reason for the term being used.’

Stop reflexively cringing before these crybullies, or you'll forever be beholden to th... 

It is particularly embarrassing for the school because it prides itself on diversity and a ‘decolonised curriculum’ that highlights the effects of British imperialism.

Oh. Never mind. You've already signalled your surrender. 


  1. The effects of British Colonialism? Getting slavery abolished, that kind of thing?

  2. Ironically enough, if they'd stuck with the dull old, non-'decolonised' curriculum, they might have known that paying the Wokegeld would just result in the Wokesters escalating their demands.

  3. SG: "Getting slavery abolished, that kind of thing?" In the civilised world, anyway . . .

  4. Welcome to the Woke world of 21st century UK. Dear God send me a lottery win so I can move away from this benighted society.

  5. Eric from Chilwell26 June 2021 at 17:46

    I am fairly sure that Niger was a French colony

  6. "Getting slavery abolished, that kind of thing?"

    Ooooh, no! That's never the bit they teach.

    "...they might have known that paying the Wokegeld would just result in the Wokesters escalating their demands."

    Spot on!

    "Welcome to the Woke world of 21st century UK."

    And you are, welcome to it, that is!

    "I am fairly sure that Niger was a French colony"

    Wiki agrees!
