Friday 25 June 2021

This Is Why Dog Attacks Will Continue...

A married couple have avoided jail after their dog attacked a woman and left her needing skin graft surgery to her leg.

...because there's simply no justice for the victims. 

Lee and Natalie Williamson appeared for sentence at Ipswich Crown Court after their cross breed dog, named Evie, launched into a "vicious attack" on a woman in Ridgeville, Carlton Colville on November 24, 2019.

First time? No. It almost never is...

The court heard that Evie had attacked two other people previously, in 2016 and 2018, and Lee and Natalie Williamson were given guidance regarding ownership.

That 'advice' should have been 'get the thing put down now'. It never is.  

The dog was signed over to police in December 2019, and has since been put down, the court heard.

That's like letting off a drunk driver because the police have crushed his car! 

Steven Dyble, representing Natalie Williamson, of Ridgeville, Carlton Colville, said his client had expressed "appropriate remorse for what happened that day".
Marc Brown, for Lee Williamson, now of Copper Beech, Carlton Colville, said his client has health problems and accepted the incident was "extremely unpleasant".

How good of her! 

The pair were both sentenced to six months' imprisonment, suspended for two years, and were banned from owning a dog for 15 years.
They must also pay £150 each towards kennel and destruction costs.

Which won't come anywhere even close to the true costs, will it? 


  1. Two defence briefs for a married couple. No doubt, this will be on legal aid, meaning more costs to the taxpayer. Why a married couple, jointly owning one dog, would need two briefs shows just how much the legal system in this country is corrupt. If just one of them had been dealt with under Clarkson's Law the first time, the second attack would not have taken place.

  2. This is what passes for the rule of law in UK today. As long as we the sheep continue to support the same tired old self serving politicians nothing will change. As always the British will moan endlessly but at the next election they will vote for more of the same, they always have and probably always will.

  3. "Two defence briefs for a married couple. No doubt, this will be on legal aid..."

    *sigh* Almost certainly... 😥

    "As long as we the sheep continue to support the same tired old self serving politicians nothing will change. "

    What other choice is there, that stands any chance?
