Thursday 24 June 2021

Other Police Farces, Take Good Note...

Significant resources have been allocated to the area to manage this, and officers have been given special powers to disperse any gathering in the area.
Officers will deal with any offences, and will be capturing evidence to enable them to follow up with any incidents not dealt with at the time. can be done, if you get enough kicks up the backside and thus get the impetus to do your job right. 

Chief Superintendent Paul Bartolomeo said: “Racing on public road networks is an offence, and will result in us taking enforcement action.
“These activities can be conducted lawfully elsewhere, such as on private land, and we will not be tolerating the use of Hampshire’s roads for an illegal sporting event.”

You forgot the words 'any more', didn't you? 

“We will deal with offences robustly, and take action wherever we have a power in law to do so.
“A Section 35 dispersal order has been authorised from 12pm on Friday 18 June until 12pm on Sunday 20 June, and will be in place across the whole of the county.
“This gives officers the power to disperse people under Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014; they can also seize any items used in the commission of anti-social behaviour.
“We appreciate the support of our partners in managing this situation, as well as the patience of the communities we serve.”

That ran out long ago. You had to be nagged and chivvied and ordered to do your job. Other communities blighted by these sorts of lawbreaking should take notice. 

And then take similar action when their local farce prove slothful... 

H/T: i r jackson via email


  1. Any credit to Donna Jones PCC for Hampshire?

  2. I will believe this the first time the Police seize the pony traps used by travellers for racing down the public road, blocking traffic behind them, arrest them for wilful obstruction of the highway and convert the horses into super glue or dog food.

  3. So as long as the "group that cannot be named" wait until after June 20th, the police will no longer be able to stop them from using public roads ?

  4. Racing on the roads in my area happens every weekend. Many Friday and Saturday nights if the weather is good we are treated to the screaming of engines often for hours at a time and this has been going on for years. As for the police they don't give a dam and nobody has ever been brought to book apart from one time when the racer crashed and the wreaked car on the verge forced them to do something.

  5. "Any credit to Donna Jones PCC for Hampshire?"

    I'd hope so.

    "I will believe this the first time the Police seize the pony traps used by travellers for racing down the public road, blocking traffic behind them, arrest them for wilful obstruction of the highway and convert the horses into super glue or dog food."

    Poor quality meat. Maybe take the occupants of the trap instead?

    "..wait until after June 20th.."

    What's happening then?

    "As for the police they don't give a dam and nobody has ever been brought to book apart from one time when the racer crashed and the wreaked car on the verge forced them to do something."

