Tuesday 15 June 2021

Is It As Much Of An Embarrassment As The Fact Most Of The Fines Are Overturned?

Up to 10 off-duty police officers were caught at a party that breached coronavirus social distancing rules and were suspended while the police standards office investigates them.
The off-duty officers were discovered breaking the law when their on-duty colleagues from Sussex Police turned up at a large house party in Hove on the evening of May 15th, two days before lockdown restrictions were relaxed.


A police source speaking to The Telegraph called the incident a “major embarrassment”, especially since the force “have been handing out these draconian £10,000 fines to Covid rule-breakers”.

Yes, they have, but hopefully if they do issue one to their colleagues, they'll actually get it right this time

H/T: ir.jackson via email


  1. Friendless and hated plod...it's now a majority verdict on the UK's hypocritical, bent police. Little doubt remains for a phased-in defunding or complete reformation.

    The likes of WC Jaded must yearn for the Good Old Days when they were simply despised.

  2. No surprises here then, we have just seen a report that the biggest force in the land the Met is institutionally corrupt. We never see any police around here anyway so I guess it doesn't make much difference to most people if they are corrupt or not. Being a criminal is now a reasonable career choice it seems.

  3. "....it's now a majority verdict on the UK's hypocritical, bent police."

    Therr's still the 'if not the police, then what?' to deal with.

    "...we have just seen a report that the biggest force in the land the Met is institutionally corrupt. "

    And we've seen the inevitable shrugging of shoulders from the politicians.
