Tuesday 15 June 2021

When You Can't Even Convince 'Sob Story Samantha'...

Reilly had given evidence in court hearings when on trial for attempted murder in Southend, trying to claim she did not try to kill the man.
She went along with this, despite the CCTV clearly showing her arriving and throwing petrol over the victim in Southchurch Avenue.


Her brilliant plan? Feign blindness! 

Reilly told the court that she could not see the monitor showing the footage in the court room, and that she couldn’t see the judge acting out what it showed.
Judge Samantha Leigh said the performance was “worthy of an Oscar, but it was dishonest”.
She said: “She was the worst witness I have ever seen.
“She said she couldn’t see the screen.
“I gave her a demonstration, she said she couldn’t see that.”

Blimey, when you can't even convince Leigh...! 

Judge Leigh added: "In my view I have seen no remorse from either of you at all. He was a friend, and he was repaid by being set alight."
The duo were jailed for 24 years each. Reilly showed no emotion, while Archer bowed his head as he was taken down.

Perhaps she was just feigning deafness as well? 


  1. I don't believe in the death penalty, but when people do something like this, I find myself thinking the only suitable punishment is to do the same to them

  2. Wow a judge handing out some sort of justice, now there is a judge that got out the wrong side of the bed that day. Not to worry the legally aided criminal will probability be cleared after a tax payer funded appeal and may even get a few quid in compo.

  3. "I don't believe in the death penalty, but when people do something like this, I find myself thinking the only suitable punishment is to do the same to them"

    Indeed. They are a waste of the air they breathe.

    "Wow a judge handing out some sort of justice, now there is a judge that got out the wrong side of the bed that day. "

    It's so unusual for her! I bet it doesn't last...
