Thursday 10 June 2021

It's Certainly Enough To Make You Wonder...

Former jailbird and professional scum-eulogiser Eric Allison ponders...

Me too, Eric old son. Me too. 

Clearly, for vastly different reasons...


  1. If exponents of stabbing and general thuggery are concentrated in one place, there's bound to be an increase as they indulge in their hobby, unless widespread solitary confinement is introduced. I don't suppose the bleeding hearts* would like that, either.

    *Choice of words entirely intended.

  2. Being old fashioned, I naturally incline to bringing back the noose. But I've no objection to shooting, gassing, poisoning or electrocuting.

  3. Just shows how right our government has been to prevent anyone trying to protect themselves, we wouldn't want murderous scum getting hurt attacking people would we. Tony Martin tried that poor old devil and look what happened to him.

  4. " I don't suppose the bleeding hearts* would like that, either."

    No, they wouldn't. Because they themselves are never affected, they can afford to.

    "Being old fashioned, I naturally incline to bringing back the noose. But I've no objection to shooting, gassing, poisoning or electrocuting."

    It's better than outsourcing it to the individual!

    "Just shows how right our government has been to prevent anyone trying to protect themselves..."

    They always make sure their own nest is comfortably feathered.
