Wednesday 9 June 2021

How Much Do I Care? Sweet FA!

The FA are unhappy with the Government for failing to support them in their battle with England fans who booed players taking the knee before last week’s European Championship warm-up matches against Austria and Romania.
Just when you think Johnson's incapable of doing anything right, he proves you wrong!
In a row that threatens to overshadow England’s opening game against Croatia on Sunday, Gareth Southgate and his players have had to justify their decision to continue with the anti-racism gesture...

Awwww, diddums! Fancy having to 'justify your decision'..! Don't these people realise footballers are unused to having to do this? 

...with the Government’s response leading senior FA figures to conclude that ministers are deliberately taking a populist stance in opposition to the feelings of the national team.

Fuck their 'feelings', frankly. They claim it's their right to honour a dead US criminal and a Marxist pressure group, but they forget other people have rights too. And that includes the right to make their feelings known. 


  1. I fully support the England fans who are booing at the kneeling primadonnas on the pitch. The booing needs to be done to tell both the FA and the players and managers that kneeling in support of a horrifically Marxist group, which is what BLM are, is not supported by the fans who at the end of the day pay for football.

    Massive strides have been made in British football to stop the sort of horrible things that used to go on decades ago, such as monkey chants aimed at Black players and fans themselves have realised for themselves that abusing a Black player who is doing well for their team is a tad stupid. But there is a difference between what the Kick Racism out of Football lot did and the current crop of kneelers.

    Those kneeling for BLM / Marxists are whether they know so or not, are not doing their bit to reduce racial tensions, but offering their support for a group that wants to enrage racial tensions. A sensible person would not kneel for a racist group like the BNP, so why kneel for a racist group like BLM?

    I think the fans should keep booing the kneeling until the FA and the players etc see sense and stop it.

  2. Gareth Southgate and his players have had to justify their decision to continue with the racist gesture.


  3. I don’t recall you ever coming out so strongly on a topic Julia, I totally support your view.

  4. As a bloke who has never given a toss about football since Germany lost in 1945 (1966?), I think I'll 'boo' at every opportunity, just for old times sake; after all the whole blasted charade is a pantomime anyway...

    I'm going to 'boo' bad driving, Mr Biden and The Parasite Club, the awful BBC, that prat who drives his motorbike past us at 5.30am every day, and next door's cat.

  5. Think of all the other poses with which they could show solidarity and sympathy for other oppressed groups.
    The facing east prayer position for the Uighurs, the lying with arms and legs at awkward angles for the blown up schoolgirls and teachers of Afghanistan, the curled up in a protective ball for the kidnapped girls of Nigeria, etc. etc.
    The boring football could be put off for an hour or so.
    The fans should be silent during the "Ceremony", and boo when the poseurs stop posing.

  6. "...a populist stance..." - one supported by the majority of the population. Isn't that supposed to be the point of democracy?

    It seems that democracy morphs into populism when it doesn't comply with the left/woke agenda. Newspeak is alive & well.

  7. How about a protest for the child slaves who dig up the poisonous chemicals that power your planet saving electric car?

  8. Standby for the mute button to be pressed next time the players kneel, or pre-recorded crowd noises to be played. In addition to the English boos, which will be loud enough, any Croation supporters allowed in will be aware of what happened and won't miss an opportunity to upset the English players and management. Some Croatian fans have form when it comes to monkey noises and banana throwing, so a bit of booing won't be a problem for them. When that happens, I think there is a reasonable chance of the English players walking off the field, which will result in pandemonium.

    It goes without saying that monkey noises and banana throwing are disgusting, just in case anyone was triggered.

  9. Football fans boo. It's what they do . But unfortunately for them it's the wrong type of booing for the snowflakes.

  10. "Massive strides have been made in British football to stop the sort of horrible things that used to go on decades ago..."

    Indeed, but like every worthy 'cause', they are never satisfied and have to find ever more ludicrous things to be outraged about.

    "I don’t recall you ever coming out so strongly on a topic Julia"

    I'm getting less tolerant in my old age... 🤣

    "...after all the whole blasted charade is a pantomime anyway..."

    After the England performance on Sunday, yes"

    "It seems that democracy morphs into populism when it doesn't comply with the left/woke agenda. "

    Funny that, eh? 😉

    "Standby for the mute button to be pressed next time the players kneel, or pre-recorded crowd noises to be played. "

    It's a real dilemma for the sound engineers, isn't it?
