Wednesday 9 June 2021

You Can't Reason With Activists...

Priti Patel will today renew her backing for...

Increased efforts to repel invaders to our shores?

Pshaw! Of course not! It just doesn't seem a priority... 

...footage from police body-worn cameras to be shared more frequently – to combat 'trial by social media'.


Speaking at the Police Federation annual conference, the Home Secretary will back its call for the clips to be published more regularly by forces.
The federation, which represents 120,000 officers in England and Wales, says it will combat false accusations of heavy-handedness or prejudice.

Will it? No. When you're dealing with people like this, they will make their claims regardless. They don't care, because they are preaching to the converted.


  1. This is mot a new thing. I've been retired from the Police for over 17 years, but in the last 10 years of my service, I carried a dictafone which I switched on when dealing with situations which could become confrontational. Whilst I could never use it as evidence in a prosecution, it saved me from false accusations by people whose parents should have been prosecuted for failing to drown their offspring at birth.

  2. It would have stopped Dawn Butler in her tracks...

  3. I had high hopes of Patel but she has turned out to be just another political blow hard. She says all the right things but does absolutely nothing, she should go far in UK politics.

  4. "Whilst I could never use it as evidence in a prosecution, it saved me from false accusations by people whose parents should have been prosecuted for failing to drown their offspring at birth."

    Sensible tactic!

    "It would have stopped Dawn Butler in her tracks..."

    Wouldn't it just!

    "I had high hopes of Patel but she has turned out to be just another political blow hard. "

    I think the job's just too big and she's far too obstructed by the rest of government and the results of that long march thtouhh the institutions.
