Tuesday 6 July 2021

Another Day, Another Bout Of Savagery On London's Streets...

Superintendent Petra Lazar, of South East BCU, said: 'It is shocking and extremely saddening that a teenage boy has lost his life as the result of knife crime.'
Not really. We seem to be breeding a whole generation of young knife killers.
'This incident will understandably cause worry and concern to local residents and I would like to reassure them my officers are supporting the murder detectives in every way we can. Increased patrols will be carried out in the area over the next few days.'

I wonder if they are really 'concerned' or if they just shrug it off? They must be pretty used to it by now. 

Today Matthew Pennycook, the Labour MP for Greenwich and Woolwich, wrote on Twitter: 'Woolwich is grieving the senseless murder of yet another young man on our streets this evening. Another family devastated.
'The promise of another life extinguished. I urge anyone with any information to come forward to the police.'

Perhaps if you were more concerned with the safety of people in your borough, and less with 'climate change' things might be different?


  1. What do we know of the ethnicity of the two boys? Betcha it's 'cos they're black.

  2. When it finally dawn's on the public that the police can't or more likely won't protect them people will turn to self help. Fear of anarchy was why we set up a justice system in the first place, sadly the PC and Woke brigade don't understand such simple things.

  3. Don't the Quhouns say that they carry knives because they can't rely on the Police to protect them, and have to defend themselves when another Quhoun 'disrespects' them by looking at them the wrong way, sells drugs on 'their patch', or is simply the wrong shade of black?

  4. "What do we know of the ethnicity of the two boys?"

    Nothing. Which, really, tells us everything.

    "Fear of anarchy was why we set up a justice system in the first place..."

    Spot on!

    "...or is simply the wrong shade of black?"

    Or is winning in a fistfight?
